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smyth25smyth25 Member Posts: 219
edited January 2015 in General Modding
I'm trying to use DLTCEP to create items and spells (since i've only just started i'm just making an experimental "shield of Dexterity" a +2 large shield that gives +1 Dex and +1 APR). But whenever I try and save my Item it says "You opened it read only!". I've noticed that I can export it either as a TBG or TP2 Item (which i'm pretty sure needs to go into the override folder) but it cant be called in via cluaconsole. I was wondering if anyone knew how i could save/export it and then summon it into the game.

EDIT: I'm running version 7.5c through the 7.5c Wineskin for Mac (Link to thread i got it from


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    You have to remove the tick from the menu entry Settings->Read only.
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    edited January 2015
    You need to uncheck the box labelled read only.

    Edit: ninja'd.
  • smyth25smyth25 Member Posts: 219
    Ok Thanks Guys.
  • smyth25smyth25 Member Posts: 219
    One last Query I created the Shield but when I try to equip it onto someone the game crashes. Another minor problem is the description doesn't seem to appear (if any screenshots of what I have done in DLTCEP is needed than I can provide those).
  • wolpakwolpak Member Posts: 390
    Best bet is to copy a shield already in the game and edit it. Then you know all the flags have been set correctly.
  • smyth25smyth25 Member Posts: 219
    Ok thanks
  • smyth25smyth25 Member Posts: 219
    Ok I don't mean to bother (somehow I just run into new problems every time) but when I tried to customize an Item it corrupted the game. I fixed this but now whenever I try and save something it now says 'Error while writing File!' there is probably a simple solution to this that i'm just not even noticing but a suggestion would be helpful as to how to fix this
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    If I were you I would forget about using DLTCEP and switch to Near Infinity instead. It's a much better editor and is still being actively worked on:
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    @Belanos, @Avenger_teambg‌ is going to be so disappointed to hear that recommendation. :-)
  • DeltharisDeltharis Member Posts: 124
    @Belanos in my experience DLTCEP is easier for casual usage - when you want to edit an item you press Items and find what you want by name. I still don't know how would I do that with NI.
  • wolpakwolpak Member Posts: 390
    I use both. I edit items mostly in DLTCEP, but scripting is was better in NI. 2DA is much better in NI as well.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2015
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968

    NI has a 'Find' function that can search among .ITMs, .SPLs, .CREs, or all strings. It's quite easy.

    Yes, I find it works better than the one in DLTCEP in fact. For awhile I was only using that program for the Find feature, but after discovering the one in NI I haven't had to use it all.

  • smyth25smyth25 Member Posts: 219
    Alright I have finally got the shield into the game and it's functional, Thanks for all the help! I know it's hard to cater to my hopeless editing skills.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited January 2015
    DLTCEP is also actively worked on, but i don't mind if someone finds NI easier.
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