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Protection Spells and Breakers (Major Spoilers)

SharguildSharguild Member Posts: 186
Noticed a few posts that query this so thought it time to provide a list.
The list starts at earliest and progresses to level 9.
If i'm wrong on any, let me know and I'll edit.

Edit 1. - This is a very basic listing and the complexities of some of the spells does require a person to fully read and comprehend their description. The word "breaker" is not entirely apt, sometimes the spell just goes through or absorbs the protection to attack other protections but serves its' purpose here.
- Dispel Magic/Remove Magic; is a crap-shoot that starts at 50% chance and dependent on level, will increase or lower in chance percentage. Again, read full description
- changed Dispel Magic and Spell Strike from "All" to "Any", again, read spell description.
- added Remove Magic to Dispel Magic
- there are more detailed guides available and I encourage folk to seek them out and at their leisure, digest them to get a strong understanding of the variety of spells we are dealing with.
- That said, I think the list below can serve as a quick panic guide printed out and laying beside your keyboard. Pay attention to the in-game text box at the bottom of screen when fighting mages to see what you are dealing with!
Edit 2. Added word ARCANE to Title. Divine is forthcoming.


Spell/Combat Protection = Breaker

Reflected Image, Mirror Image = Detect Illusion, Oracle, True Sight
Armour, Ghost Armour, Spirit Armour = Breach
Shield = Spell Thrust, Secret Word, Pierce magic, Ruby Ray, Pierce Shield
Invisibility, Improved Invisibility = Detect Invisible, Detect Illusion, Oracle, True Sight
Non-detection = Detect Illusion, Oracle, True Sight
Minor Spell Deflection = Spell Thrust, Secret Word, Pierce magic, Ruby Ray, Pierce Shield
Protection from Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity = Breach
Minor Globe of Invulnerability = Spell Thrust, Secret Word, Pierce Magic, Ruby Ray, Pierce Shield
Fireshield (Red or Blue) = Breach
Stoneskin = Breach
Otiluke's Sphere = Dispel/Remove Magic
Minor Spell Turning = Spell Thrust, Secret Word, Pierce magic, Ruby Ray, Pierce Shield
Spell Immunity = Spell Thrust Secret Word, Pierce magic, Ruby Ray, Pierce Shield
Spell Shield = Secret Word, Ruby Ray, Khelben's Whip, Pierce Shield
Shadow Door = Oracle, True Sight
Protection - Normal Weapons = Breach
Globe of Invulnerability = Pierce magic, Ruby Ray, Pierce Shield
Spell Deflection = Secret Word, Pierce Magic, Ruby Ray, Khelben's Whip
Protection - Magic Weapons = Breach
Mislead = True Sight
Protection - Magic Energy = Breach
Mantle = Breach
Spell Turning = Secret Word, Ruby Ray, Khelben's Whip, Pierce Shield
Protection - Elements = Breach
Projected Image = True Sight
Improved Mantle = Breach
Protection - Energy = Breach
Simulacrum = True Sight
Absolute Immunity = Breach
Spell Trap = Ruby Ray, Pierce Shield
Any = Spell Strike
Any = Dispel Magic/Remove Magic, (depends on level)
Post edited by Sharguild on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    A good idea to get everything in one place and in the simplest manner.

    Meanwhile, I think there're some things that should be changed.

    1. Every time you talk about Dispel Magic, you should also mention Remove Magic.

    2. To say that "ALL" can be taken down by Dispel Magic is wrong, because Dispel Magic doesn't affect spell protection like Spell Turning or Spell Deflection.

    3. To say that "ALL" can be taken down by Spell Strike is wrong as well because this spell doesn't dispel Spell Shield - it consumes Spell Shield (i.e. Spell Strike is also consumed and does not dispel any other protections).

    4. Spell Shield indeed can't be broken by Spell Thrust but by casting Spell Thrust you can consume Spell Shield i.e. get rid of this spell.

    Also, I can advice to check by amazing @Jaheiras_Witness‌ , especially for tips like this: "Spell Thrust dispels ALL spell protections of level 5 or lower. Secret Word dispels ONE protection of up to level 8. Both are absorbed by Spell Shield and negate it. This means that Spell Thrust should be your go-to spell to debuff lower level protections, as you get rid of all in one go. Secret Word should only be used against the following 3 spells: Globe Of Invulnerability, Spell Deflection and Spell Turning".

    Moreover, I can advice to put every spell that can be useful into each sentence: for e.g., Spell Trap can be removed by Ruby Ray, Pierce Shield -and- Spell Strike.
  • SharguildSharguild Member Posts: 186
    Thanks bengoshi; edited some text. Thanks also for the link (which leads to other valuable links) as well.
  • SharguildSharguild Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2015
    If we examine this list and keep in mind the fact that we have limited spell slots available to us at any given level, we need to consider what would be the most advantageous ones to have memorized for any given scenario.
    I originally thought of outlining what spells would be best to have memorized at specific levels but then considered that since some folk approach different scenarios in the game at different levels, this may not prove optimal.
    So more simplistically, I recommend the following;

    1. always have the most powerful dispel illusion spell available memorized (e.g. Detect Illusion and later True Sight)
    2. always have one or two of the most powerful combat protective spell breakers memorized (e.g. BREACH is hands down, the most useful)
    3. always have one or two of the most powerful spell shield breakers memorized (e.g. Spell Thrust for early levels, Ruby Ray for higher levels)
    4. Get to learn how "Secret Word" works, and at higher levels ALWAYS have a Pierce Shield and/or Spell Strike memorized.
    5. Keep in mind, in many instances you need to use one before the other, always use a spell breaker before using a combat protection breaker.

    Without these spells, no matter how strong your tank, no matter how high your warrior apr, the mage will make short work of you. It's what they do.

    Keep in mind of course, this chart works in reverse. Knowing what can break YOUR protections, and making sure you have countermeasures is what puts the knowledgeable Mage ahead of the "fling shit and see what sticks" Mage.

    edit - also, I have been in discussion more than once with folk that say " look, all this spell crap is too complicated, give me a kick-ass sword and shield and armour and I'll wade through them". These people die, a lot. Makes for a much longer (and tedious) game that way.

    Good hunting to you.
    Post edited by Sharguild on
  • XiaolinXiaolin Member Posts: 18
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for the huge list, just one note on improved invisible and SI: Divination combo enemies: You can't target them with spells since they are in imp. invisible state, and true sight is blocked by Spell Immunity.

    I think the only counters are quick slot items (Wand of spell striking, Protection from magic scroll) or dispelling weapons such as Carsomyr or Staff of the magi. Or, as another poster mentioned, summon a planetar which can naturally see invis and has dispel on attack. (One more, a thief with high detect illusion skill)
  • SharguildSharguild Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2015
    An Interesting point Xiaolin and it lends credence to my supposition that it is important to have more than one or two breaker types allotted if possible .
    First, knowing what you are confronting is key of course. Unfortunately we sometimes find out the hard way after the first spell has been cast and it's not by us.
    My preferred play scenario would of course then be casting a divination spell and if successful, hone in on culprit. If I cannot focus, why not? As you mentioned, a Spell Invulnerability may be in play but if we look at our chart, a Spell Thrust or Pierce Magic/Ruby Ray kills that quick enough. THEN I hit them with the divination.
    If that's all they've got, they are toast.
    Usually they have a combat protection as well though so nail 'em with a breach then go to town.
    As these are different level spells, you can have one or two of each memorized. And you are smart for doing so.
    Keep in mind also, if ALL your Mage does is walk around with breakers, and NO offensive spells, you will still win the fight because you just opened all the doors for your party.
    Sometimes I think people put far too much emphasis on what damage their Mage can do and not enough on what power he/she has on debuffing. If you are relying on your Mage for damage, why the hell did you bring warriors to the party?
    Post edited by Sharguild on
  • SymphonyofSwordsSymphonyofSwords Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2015
    Sharguild said:

    4. Get to learn how "Secret Word" works, and at higher levels ALWAYS have a Pierce Shield and/or Spell Strike memorized.

    I have always thought that Ruby Ray of Reversal is able to dispell any spell protection (one at a time). What is the reasoning behind using Pierce Shield or Spell Strike instead?

    EDIT: Btw.: this is the chart I have been using for the last decade. Old skool!
  • LarkusLarkus Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2015
    Sharguild said:

    3. always have one or two of the most powerful spell shield breakers memorized (e.g. Spell Thrust for early levels, Ruby Ray for higher levels)

    Here's what Xyx has to say about the matter:
    Spell protection removal

    There are several spells that specialize in removing an enemy's spell protections (see the Spell Protection Overview for details). Annoying though these effects may be, there are two easy workarounds available:
    • Beat the wizard up. If they cast a combat protection, cast Breach (which will happily ignore spell protections). Remove (and Dispel) Magic will also ignore spell protections, but you must be of sufficient level to get them to work.
    • Cast area spells. These are not affected by spell protections. Do not despair if you face magic resistant foes: Lower Resistance will also ignore spell protections.
    In other words: do not waste any slots on spell protections if you can go with either of the above alternatives. The workarounds have the added advantage of instant effect, while removing protections does not disable, disrupt or damage your opponents in any way yet.

    A fun alternative to casting these spells to remove (Minor) Spell Turning is bouncing beneficial spells off of them. Casting Improved Invisibility on your opponent would take out his Minor Spell Turning and make you invisible.

    A third way to remove (Minor) Spell Turning is to cast Spell Turning yourself, then cast a spell that will be bounced back and forth, ending up on your opponent.
  • SharguildSharguild Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2015
    I love this, especially when they don't explain during the heat of battle that it's not a one sided fight.
    So you figure the morons on the other side are gonna stand there like statues and let you just toss all your garbage at them?
    Wake the hell up. You go against a Mage that has protection spells up you are going against a mage that can burn you down in short order.
    There are as many "Masters" at this game as there are games running, Game is 15 years old. You think we are talking anything new?
    I've run burns through this game not with solos, that's cheap crap, a level 1 can solo the game and proof is on you tube; but with two and three person runs doing all maps that would curl your hair.
    I'll therefore mention I did not put much focus on how to develop your own spell protections, hell, ya got the right tanks and dps, sit back with popccorn.
    My point, and I'll emphasize this again, is how to burn down the enemy.
    You cast shit that brings them DOWN. Quickly, before they hurt you.
    If you don't, be prepared to get hurt.
    Been there, done that, got the ripped and bloodied t-shirt.

    btw: Secret Word is the lowest level Breaker (4) that will give you a happy day.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    Sharguild said:

    I've run burns through this game not with solos, that's cheap crap, a level 1 can solo the game and proof is on you tube

    Can you post a link? I would be highly impressed with that. I have seen a youtube video where a player completes the BG1 without the TSOSC content as a level 1 solo mage (mostly abusing boots of speed and wands) but have never seen anyone do a level 1 run through the sequel where this thread is posted (i.e., BG2/TOB).
  • OllmerOllmer Member Posts: 73
    AHF said:

    Can you post a link? I would be highly impressed with that. I have seen a youtube video where a player completes the BG1 without the TSOSC content as a level 1 solo mage (mostly abusing boots of speed and wands) but have never seen anyone do a level 1 run through the sequel where this thread is posted (i.e., BG2/TOB).
    here is the thread, videos start on page 2:
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    Ollmer said:

    here is the thread, videos start on page 2:
    That is very impressive, although the corrected wand of cloudkill that does not go through magic resistance would undermine a LOT of the tactics used. Even so, that is just impressive.
  • CluasCluas Member Posts: 355
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for the list @Sharguild - very useful thanks alot : )

    (I'm playing BG2EE for the first time, and those mages can be a real pain in the ... )
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