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Pasha PookPasha Pook Member Posts: 4
Hi all,

Have been looking into creating some custom items for my characters, yet can't make head nor tail of getting them to work.
If I was to give all the details for said items would anybody out there care to create them for me please??

Thanks in advance :)


  • AmmellisanAmmellisan Member Posts: 19
    what's to stop you from using DLTC Editor to do it yourself?
    i mean, unless you want them with custom descriptions(which is more work than it's worth imo) making the items themselves with the stats and appearances is not a lot of work, id say 5 mins for 1 item?
  • Pasha PookPasha Pook Member Posts: 4
    well I'm using a mac and have NI, but only have a rough idea of how to use it. Other editors I have difficulty installing/working etc and its becoming more frustrating not being able to do what I want.
    And It would be a bonus to have a description.
  • AmmellisanAmmellisan Member Posts: 19
    well i could help u with the stats and appearance i guess, but i can't do the descriptions as i just find it 'not worth it' so i never actually LOOKED at it xD
    did make a bunch of items myself, like moonblades and such
  • Pasha PookPasha Pook Member Posts: 4
    Cool I would be grateful for any help.

    I have an idea for a few swords mainly flaming ones that id like to pair up and maybe some armour
    or such.

    Is it possible to create flaming katanas?
  • AmmellisanAmmellisan Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2015
    hmm ive never tried it, it might be possible but you'd have to create a whole new bam for that...which is a lot of work. would probably be easier to make a katana using the existing flaming sword's looks.
    that was the game will use it like a katana (proficiencies and dmg and such) but it would only LOOK like a flaming longsword. You can however make the flaming sword any 'flame colour' you want, with a very easy editing, its how they made the moonblade, which is basically a blue flaming sword
  • Pasha PookPasha Pook Member Posts: 4
    Yeah I thought as much!, not to worry as the flame swords look cool enough anyway they were my favourite part of BG, Its good to have that animation back and in any colour! :)

    Do you know what those animations are then?
  • AmmellisanAmmellisan Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2015
    i use DLTC to make them, just grab the existing flamesword and change the animation colours\stats.
    could make you one if you want if you just lemme know what colour you want it and what stats you want on it.
    heres the colour scheme:
    Post edited by Ammellisan on
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