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Modding questions from a newb

ChiparikChiparik Member Posts: 5
edited January 2015 in General Modding
Hey guys,

I just started fiddling with DLTCEP trying to edit some items in BG2EE and I have a few questions. (Read I'm completely lost)

1. So I understand I can use and existing item, change the ID and essentially create a new item, but I was wondering about editing existing items (All longbow +1 for example). Does DLTCEP automatically create overrides for all changes? I'm terrified of mucking up and not being able to undo all the damage I'll no doubt cause. At one point I think it said it was making a backup, but I couldn't seem to find the file, and I only remember seeing say that once.

2. How do I package all my changes into one mod? I'm trying to wrap my head around Weidu, but I have zero knowledge about programming, and all the tutorials are flying way over my head. Every time I read, "I assume you know what 'xxx' command is," I feel yet another dagger in my heart. I was trying to follow this template:

but I'm not really sure what to do after I make the TP2 file and move my item files into copy. How would I actually make this into an installation executable?

3. This one is more specific to how effects work in the editor. I wanted to make a weapon that would lower an enemies spell resistance when it hits. I reckon I need to add the "Stat: Magic Resistance Modifier [166]" effect under the extended effects tab, but I'm wondering if this effect is stacking; meaning if I set the value at say -5% will every hit give an additional 5% penalty (-15% after 3 hits), or will it only be -5% no matter how many hits? Is there a way to make it work as a stackable debuff? Am I even on the right track with this?

I hope the questions I'm asking make sense. I appreciate any help I can get. If I should just give up my grand dreams of modding and sell shiny balloons on the corner, that's fair too.

Post edited by Chiparik on


  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    1. Yes, any change you make is automatically saved in your Override folder. The original game item is not altered at all. So if you don't like what you've done, you can just delete the file in the Override folder and you'll be back to the default. So it's fairly hard to screw anything up. Not impossible, but not easy either. The main thing you need to worry about is any changes that are made to the text strings for the item, like the description for instance, as those are saved separately in the dialog.tlk file. Just to be on the safe side, it might be wise to back that up before you make any changes. Everything else you don't need to worry about.
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    edited January 2015
    Chiparik said:

    2. How do I package all my changes into one mod? I'm trying to wrap my head around Weidu, but I have zero knowledge about programming, and all the tutorials are flying way over my head. Every time I read, "I assume you know what 'xxx' command is," I feel yet another dagger in my heart. I was trying to follow this template:

    but I'm not really sure what to do after I make the TP2 file and move my item files into copy. How would I actually make this into an installation executable?

    The introduction was written with the assumption that the reader already knows how to install mods (I don't think this is an unreasonable starting assumption). In short, you install a WeiDU mod by invoking WeiDU with the name of the TP2 file as an argument. The most common way of doing this is by renaming weidu.exe into setup-modname.exe (the introduction touches upon this) and running it by double-clicking.
    Chiparik said:

    3. This one is more specific to how effects work in the editor. I wanted to make a weapon that would lower an enemies spell resistance when it hits. I reckon I need to add the "Stat: Magic Resistance Modifier [166]" effect under the extended effects tab, but I'm wondering if this effect is stacking; meaning if I set the value at say -5% will every hit give an additional 5% penalty (-15% after 3 hits), or will it only be -5% no matter how many hits? Is there a way to make it work as a stackable debuff? Am I even on the right track with this?

    Off-hand, I can't remember if opcode #166 can take negative values. I seem to recall something about a feature request to this effect (in which case it cannot presently be used to lower resistance). Stacking or non-stacking can generally be had by using different modifier types. In the case of #166, it's parameter #2 which controls this behaviour (0 is cumulative and 1 is non-cumulative). These things are typically documented by the IESDP, if they aren't in DLTCEP.

  • ChiparikChiparik Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2015
    Womp womp... I've already changed item descriptions, but that's still good to know. Thanks!

    I didn't mean to sound as if I was criticizing your guide Wisp. It was more a comment on my ineptitude. I truly appreciate you making it, as I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without it. You're a legend!

    *edited* Figured it out thanks
    Post edited by Chiparik on
  • ChiparikChiparik Member Posts: 5
    Sorry to be a bother, but one more question about opcode #166 after looking over a few things. The spell lower resistance seems to use it with a negative value, so fingers crossed there, but looking the parameter description:

    0 Cumalative Modifier -> Resistance = Resistance + Stat Modifier Value
    1 Flat Value Modifier -> Resistance = Stat Modifier Value

    So I was reading cumulative as meaning that if Bob has Spell resist (25) and suffers this attack (-10) than it is cumulative in the sense that he now has Spell resist (15).

    I took Flat Value as meaning that Bob has spell resist (25) suffers the attack (-10) and now has spell resist (-10) Is this a fair understanding?

    If I'm still on track, what I'm asking is, is there a way to control whether the cumulative effect stacks with itself vs simply overriding itself (resetting the duration for example)?
  • wolpakwolpak Member Posts: 390
    Yes flat value sets it, while cumulative does arithmetic to it.
  • wolpakwolpak Member Posts: 390
    Best bet is to follow the tp2 guide that comes with weidu or look at someone else mod.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Get to know existing mods. Look in the tp2 files. Think about new applications for existing techniques. Tweak things and see what happens. Try not to get frustrated when things go wrong. It's almost always a small issue
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