What is your PC's alignment?

First, indicate in the poll what your PC's alignment is.
Second, for discussion: Is your PC's alignment the same as your own? If you don't know, or would like to take a different test, this 1st edition AD&D alignment test is one of the best I've seen so far (which accounts for alignment tendencies). You don't have to sign up to take the test. Just keep clicking "next" until you get your result.
Second, for discussion: Is your PC's alignment the same as your own? If you don't know, or would like to take a different test, this 1st edition AD&D alignment test is one of the best I've seen so far (which accounts for alignment tendencies). You don't have to sign up to take the test. Just keep clicking "next" until you get your result.
- What is your PC's alignment?366 votes
- Lawful Good  9.29%
- Neutral Good23.50%
- Chaotic Good24.32%
- Lawful Neutral  5.46%
- True Neutral  9.84%
- Chaotic Neutral12.02%
- Lawful Evil  5.46%
- Neutral Evil  6.83%
- Chaotic Evil  3.28%
Post edited by Mortianna on
Thanks for posting this
I do play my canon characters as NE though.
I consider myself Chaotic Good and my player character is usually just an extension of myself so he is too. Took the test though, which claimed I'm True Neutral, almost Lawful Neutral. Not sure what that's all about.
Once BG:EE comes out, I'm rolling as a Chaotic Good Swashbuckler I plan to dual-class into a mage in BG2:EE. It's one of the more overpowered combinations I never got around to trying out with the original titles.
Neutral Evil or Lawful Evil
By the way my Main Char alignment is:
Everyone, i played at least 3 times in each alignment surelly ( and a thousand of times in Lawful Good, Chaotic Good and Chaotic Evil).
But i assume you want to know which alignment i like most, so here's my answer.
Edit: or maybe not, presumed too much and voted before the test
I see you didn't answer whether or not your PC alignment and your own alignment coincide.
Anyway, as expected I got Lawful Neutral, which I've never actually played as in the BG franchise. Last time I did play LN I believe was when I roleplayed a Sith Warrior in Star Wars The Old Republic I'd probably describe as Lawful Neutral or even Lawful Good.
Didn't match my future BG:EE guy, though. He'll be a Lawful Evil Blackguard.
However the test gave me Chaotic Evil and I can't change it.