Problems and issues with mods and BG2 EE.

Hello everyone, I download through beamdog, Baldurs Gate 2 Enhanced Edition. But I have problems and issues with mods and with a bug...I cant kill trolls!
First many of the NPCs I add to the game dont work correctly, when Im trying to dialogue with them I cant see words bur some numbers as an options. With the old BG2 I didnt had any problem with the mods or the NPCs.
And now the trolls, cant die, not even fall down, I uninstall the game, I started again, I delete my old save games, but nothing the trolls dont die...any solution please? And an easy one please?
Also their is any correct order to put mods in BG2 EE?
Thank you in advance.
First many of the NPCs I add to the game dont work correctly, when Im trying to dialogue with them I cant see words bur some numbers as an options. With the old BG2 I didnt had any problem with the mods or the NPCs.
And now the trolls, cant die, not even fall down, I uninstall the game, I started again, I delete my old save games, but nothing the trolls dont die...any solution please? And an easy one please?
Also their is any correct order to put mods in BG2 EE?
Thank you in advance.
You can download this archive, extract the .spl file and put it in the "override" folder. You will also have to find and delete the file "CDTORGAL" in that same folder. That will solve the problem.
Alternatively, you can reinstall SR and skip the "dispel" component. It is that component that has issues with the way troll regen is handled in the new patch of BG2EE.
SR is Spell Revisions. I thought that was likely to be one of your mods, since there has been problems with the new patch and Spell Revisions. I find it strange that you don't have an override folder, as that is where mods are installed.
Which mods do you use?
There might be a text file called "Weidu" in the folder? If there is, could you copy the text from that file and paste it here? It shows which mods you have installed.
-Alora (but for some reason cant add her)
-Kivan and Deheriana
-Nathaniel (but their is a problem when he walk)
-Yeslick (but also for some reason cant add him)
-Xulaye (error with her also)
I dont put the mods in a folder I just download them, unzip them and run then in the folder ''00783''
With most of the NPCs when Im trying to start a dialogue so I can add them to group, I cant see phrases as option for the dialogue but numbers, like''n00567'', something like that.
And no file ''Weidu''.
Thank you again, sorry for the trouble
I am not sure what has caused your troll problem ( :P ), if you are not using spell revisions.
I am sorry I can't be more helpful than that
The solution before BG2:EE was to stop attacking the unkillable trolls after they had reached this state, which would then cause them to collapse, and then you hit them with fire/acid. I suspect that solution still works. There was some sort of problem with their script, if I recall correctly.