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[Mods] Awesome Soundsets Mods Master Thread. Custom Soundsets for BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE



  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78
    edited February 2015

    Female, Noble Scholar

    "At my command; attack!"

    Want a bombastic miss CHARNAME to boss around the lesser denizens of the Sword Coast? Rhetorical question!
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78

    Male, Boisterous Goodnatured

    "Time for a bit of a game."

    Roustabout, bruiser type. Brings to mind boozy bare-knuckle boxing.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78

    Female, Noble Matron

    "There is no such thing as fashionably idle. Get moving."

    For Bhaalspawn whose murderous instinct is innately smothered by a mouthful of plums and a silver spoon stuck up their whatsit. This aristocratic lady, named "Ophala" in Neverwinter Nights' soundset filename, has an overly theatrical bent. All rolled r's and haughty delivery, if you're off adventuring with her, don't forget to pack a powdered wig.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78

    Male, Violent Fighter

    "Rip yer to shreds!"

    Uncouth, uncivilized, gruff, rough. You can practically smell the mouldering yurt hides and poor regard for personal hygiene emanating from this voice set.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    If you want ggallegher, I'd suggest at some point putting all these individual sounds into a big pack, I'll put a link to it in the OP if you want.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78
    edited February 2015
    That's the intention, smeagolheart. It keeps me more motivated to power through the 104 voicesets in the Neverwinter Nights games and expansions by releasing individual files on a disciplined, regular schedule, helps in detection of errors and gets completed soundsets into folks' hands ASAP as well. "Release early, release often", as Eric S. Raymond's mantra goes.

    However, once they're all done (sometime in June at this rate...) I'd like to make a Neverwinter megapack with all the PC and NPC voicesets contained therein. I'm afraid that I'm going to need some guidance in how to write a weidu installer that provides option prompts for installing all soundsets, only PC soundsets, only NPC soundsets, or ask about each individual soundset. Something like:
    The NWNSoundsets/SETUP-NWNSOUNDSETS.TP2 mod has 104 distinct optional components. To save time, you can choose what to do with them at a high level rather than being asked about each one. What should be done with all components that are not already installed? [I]nstall them, [S]kip them, [A]sk about each one? A Would you like to display the components from [NWN NPC soundsets] (Voicesets from Daelen Red Tiger, Aribeth de Tylmarande, Nathyrra, Sand, Kaelyn the Dove, etcetera)? [Y]es, [N]o? Y Would you like to display the components from [NWN PC soundsets] (Male Violent Fighter, Female Noble Matron, etcetera)? Y Install the soundset for Tomi Undergallows? [Y]es, [N]o, [Q]uit? Y .....etc etc Press ENTER to exit.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    If I understand you correctly:
    You can group them into groups, but there's no "install all components of a group" option or an "install all groups" option either.

    So it would be like "show all components of PC soundsets?" yes or no. Then if you clicked no, it would say the next group "show all components of NPC soundsets?" There is no way to install all components of PC soundsets at once unless you lump them all together - like have the option be "install pc soundsets?" with no further breakdown, know what I mean?

    After considering the options, I'd suggest separate packs like I made, no one says you can't make two packs and it keeps filesize down. That way people will likely say "install all". So make a pack of PC sounds or NPC sounds if you want. You can see any of my packs in the OP... I think that does what you want. Basically, just add the block under the other block on the tp2.

    Make sense?
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78

    Male, Large Rowdy


    Exactly what it says on the tin. If the tin in this metaphor was a rambunctious, hugely muscly arse of a man.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78
    edited March 2015

    Female, Fighter

    "And...what do you want?"

    For the unflappable, no-nonsense professional fighting lady. This soundset features an ice-cool matter-of-fact intonation and never-flustered delivery.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78
    We're about a quarter of the way through the NWN PC soundsets*, so it's time to take a break with something a bit different.

    Defective Warforged

    "Watch and learn, everyone. Watch and learn."

    For those of who who never knew that you wanted to play a wood, glass and metal automaton with glitched programming, causing a self-aware personality with free will to spontaneously emerge. Who then exercises said free will to become stylin'.

    Broken Turret: (c) 2011 Valve software, voice actor: Nolan North.

    * fun fact: there're more male player character soundsets across all of the Neverwinter Nights games than female.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78

    Daelan Red Tiger

    "For the Uthgardt!"
    Daelan Red Tiger is a male half-orc barbarian raised by the Uthgardt tribe of the Red Tiger. He is an honorable warrior out to prove himself in the world, hoping to amend for his father's orc blood, and to end the exile by his tribe.

    Daelen Red Tiger: (c) 2002 Bioware Corp, voice actor: Steven Blum.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78
    edited March 2015

    Linu La'neral

    "Alright, dear."
    Linu La'neral is an elven cleric of Sehanine Moonbow from Evereska who is constantly finding herself in awkward situations. She is kind, but her self-consciousness causes her to lose the grace of her race and descend into clumsiness at times, which only serves to make her more self-conscious. This, combined with her awful luck and uncanny timing leads many people to ask her to please help somewhere else.

    Linu La'neral: (c) 2002 Bioware Corp, voice actor: Lara Cody.
    Post edited by ggallegher on
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78

    Tomi "Grin" Undergallows

    "Here comes Halfling death!"
    Tomi Undergallows, or "Grin," as he is often known, is a male halfling rogue from the land of Calimshan. An escaped prisoner from the Neverwinter Peninusula District Prison, he is wanted for a number of crimes, including "deflowering" a pasha's daughter and pickpocketing. Carefree and mischievous, Tomi rarely seems to take things seriously.

    Tomi Undergallows: (c) 2002 Bioware Corp, voice actor: Michael Lindsay.
  • reivisionreivision Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2015
    Maybe I screwed something up when I was reinstalling these mods after the IWDEE 1.4.0 patch, but my characters are giving incorrect lines (e.g. line for fallen comrade when first clicking on them), and often don't match the text generated either. Can someone confirm this in the 1.4.0 patch?

    I'm using Vol 2: IWD2 Soundsets and Vol 4: Monkey Island Soundsets, if it matters.
    Post edited by reivision on
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I'll take a look. You might need to re-add the soundset from the customization screen after reinstalling the mod.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78


    "Oh, bugger!"
    Seeking fame and fortune in her hometown of Neverwinter, Sharwyn can be found in any of the local establishments, often singing a new ballad or strengthening her contacts with the more nefarious elements of the city.

    Sharwyn: (c) 2002 Bioware Corp, voice actor: Grey DeLisle.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    reivision said:

    Maybe I screwed something up when I was reinstalling these mods after the IWDEE 1.4.0 patch, but my characters are giving incorrect lines (e.g. line for fallen comrade when first clicking on them), and often don't match the text generated either. Can someone confirm this in the 1.4.0 patch?

    I'm using Vol 2: IWD2 Soundsets and Vol 4: Monkey Island Soundsets, if it matters.

    @reivision did you reinstall the mods? The patch would have reset the dialogue.tlk
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78

    Boddyknock Glinckle

    "I'd like to run a hypothesis by you."
    Boddyknock Glinckle is a male gnome sorcerer from Lantan, an island nation of mechanical wonders. Like most Lantanese gnomes, he is committed to a logical, scientific approach to his thoughts, and this cautious nature overshadows even the raw power granted by his sorcerous abilities.

    Boddyknock Glinckle: (c) 2002 Bioware Corp, voice actor: Steve Staley.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78
    edited March 2015


    "If we stop to rest I promise you won't die in your sleep. Tonight."
    Grimgnaw is a Dwarven Monk and member of the Monks of the Long Death, an evil monastic order which worships the very essence of death, which is personified as the "Silent Lord," and seeks to bring as many living beings to death as possible. He is from Clan Battlehammer but left Mithral Hall to pursue initiation into the order of the Long Death. Akin to the cult, Grimgnaw has a deep, morbid fascination with death and dying and detests undead, as he believes undeath to be a means of escaping a natural death.

    Grimgnaw: (c) 2002 Bioware Corp.
  • reivisionreivision Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2015

    @reivision did you reinstall the mods? The patch would have reset the dialogue.tlk
    @smeagolheart I reinstalled the mods but was still getting the same bug (getting the "ally fallen" response when clicking on second or third time). It was fixed once I went into Customize and re-selected the soundset for each bugged character. Thanks again for your work with these.

    Also gonna check out these NWN conversions from @ggallegher. :)
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78

    Male, High Strung Evangelist


    American Southern evangelical preachers are a thing along the Sword Coast, apparently. And why not.

    Male, High Strung Evangelist: (c) 2002 Bioware Corp, voice actor: Cam Clarke.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78

    Female, Cold Killer

    "Move your carcass aside."

    Unmistakeably Grey DeLisle in calculating baddy mode, prototyping the role of Azula in Avatar: the Last Airbender. Deliciously malicious, this soundset delights in snide, contemptuous comments and malignant laughter. You just know that no one on the receiving end of the joke gets to laugh along.

    Female, Cold Killer: (c) 2002 Bioware Corp, voice actor: Grey DeLisle
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78
    edited March 2015

    Male, Reserved Guardian

    "Nature's thanks to you."

    The male counterpart to the Female, Guardian Reserved voiceset, this one is also preoccupied with Rangerly or Druidic pursuits. Slightly gruff, weathered tone, with a soupçon of white South African tinge. Which is odd because it's everyone's favourite gimp-suited Canadian mentalist, Psycho Mantis, providing the voice.

    Male, Reserved Guardian: (c) 2002 Bioware Corp, voice actor: Doug Stone.
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78

    Male, Pious Scholar

    "Fall before the righteous!"

    Pompous borer, more like. Insufferably self-important, stuffy cleric type with a knack for bombastic condescension.

    Male, Pious Scholar: (c) 2002 Bioware Corp.
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