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So long suckers.

WorgWorg Member Posts: 170
edited September 2012 in Off-Topic
I'm going on a month long interrail trip around Europe for a month. By the time I get back the game will be out and most likely the most blatant bugs will have been ironed out and the mods satisfactorily adapted to the new game. Have a nice time waiting for the release date!
Post edited by Coriander on


  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Enjoy the euro crisis... The riots, the jobless and the crime ridden despair. By the time you get back you may not be able to afford it! :P

    (Actually no, I'm Jealous... Europes having a heatwave and its only the Bankers leaping off buildings (Maybe Athens not so good...) Have a good trip!)
  • CCarluNNCCarluNN Member Posts: 200
    Come to Amsterdam, we have 'good stuff'.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    If you go to Naples, try the pizza at I Decumani. Best pizza you'll ever have, and probably the cheapest meal in all of Europe, too.
  • PaheejPaheej Member Posts: 126
    I'd agree with @CCarluNN about how awesome Amsterdam is. Lots of sights, things to do, and places to party. Great rrestaurants and eye candy in the Red Light District.

    I am a huge fan of Munich for just chilling out, staying at Wombats in Munich (hostel) and going on some of the oZtours is AWESOME.

    Oh yeah, if you haven't been on an overnight train - its like being in a submarine, extremely small sleeping areas, and not very comfortable. High speed trains during the day is the way to go - you just get to see lots of cool sights.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Amsterdam is really worth it this time of the year. Been there a week ago, oh my.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    Come to Forlì!
  • ElzarathElzarath Member Posts: 173
    Have a great trip! Just spent the month of July in Greece (mainly the islands), was unreal
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Thank god. I thought this was going to be another trolltastic naysayer thread like Maciak's, and I was about to go nuclear.
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    I actually prefer to undergo the interesting and sometimes arduous journey of sticking with a beloved game through all of it's errors and bugs. It's a reason why to this day, I play the BG series without any mods.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @anduine what about npc mods? some of those are really good and fit in like all the other npcs
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I wish I could go to a trip through Europe...

    Wait a second, I *live* in Europe! And I'm going to a trip just next Wednesday. Oh well, I guess I'm lucky!

    @Anduin - Heatwave... funny you say that the day it rains in my city after 8 months of pure sun XD
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @Cheesebelly Sorry British. We have the power to make rain just fall out of the sky... Whether we want it too or not...
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    If I'm British and going on a trip to the shops this weekend... Does this mean I have made a trip in europe...
  • cutlasskiwicutlasskiwi Member Posts: 35
    It's almost September so the first snow of the season should come soon.. So have fun! ;)
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    Bjjorick said:

    @anduine what about npc mods? some of those are really good and fit in like all the other npcs

    Official patches aside, I do not modify my games. The only exception I'd make (off the top of my head) is if there were some gamebreaking bug, and only a mod could fix it as opposed to a patch. I have not used many, if any of the provided NPCs in over 10 years, and there were few mods of interest at that time, seeing as the game was still under the mighty wing of Black Isle.

    95% of the time, I run my own party.

  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308
    Anduine said:

    Bjjorick said:

    @anduine what about npc mods? some of those are really good and fit in like all the other npcs

    Official patches aside, I do not modify my games.
    I must say you're missing one of the best things about the PC platform.
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    @Anduine After 3 or 4 play through of the vanilla Mods can make the game new again. Seriously one of the best perks of the PC platforms.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The only mods I use are Item Revisions and, occasionally, kit mods. I also use some graphical mods, but that's more for making the game look and run smoother.
  • blatantninjablatantninja Member Posts: 29
    Worg said:

    I'm going on a month long interrail trip around Europe for a month. By the time I get back the game will be out and most likely the most blatant bugs will have been ironed out and the mods satisfactorily adapted to the new game. Have a nice time waiting for the release date!

    I am jealous. Did similar trip back in '03, best trip ever!
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    Anduine said:

    I actually prefer to undergo the interesting and sometimes arduous journey of sticking with a beloved game through all of it's errors and bugs. It's a reason why to this day, I play the BG series without any mods.

    So do I.

  • Fake_SketchFake_Sketch Member Posts: 217
    edited August 2012
    @immagikman Ive never played with mods either, Id feel like Im "not playing the real game". The other reason is (This reason has no real grounds whatsoever as Ive never tried a mod) I think they may not be of professional quality as there would be no official support for them.
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    Well as for the idea that Mods aren't good quality Id ask Tent and crew why they were working with the modders and complimenting them on their great work...
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416

    @Anduine After 3 or 4 play through of the vanilla Mods can make the game new again. Seriously one of the best perks of the PC platforms.

    I understand that they can make the game seem new, but even after playing the game as many times as I have, I'm still not finished. To me, it just feels..."wrong" somehow to use mods. It makes me feel like I am warping the story or changing the game to something that it was never originally intended for.
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    I honestly cannot understand that kind of view of it...but hey, that is what makes the world a better place to live in. if everyone were the same it would be boring.
  • WorgWorg Member Posts: 170
    I have to say that while the trip was very nice indeed, I find that my return is to a bit dissapointing. Now all I can do is play icewind dale in german so that I have trouble finishing the game and figuring what to do, even though it is a rather unfortunetly linear game.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Well, you jinxed it with your first post I guess XD
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    How do all you guys get to travel like this? Amsterdam? Greece? I'm lucky if I have time to go to Walmart. I hate you all, lol.
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