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Help a noob beat the demon wraith? (spoilers?)

Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
I've been doing okay so far without any help. This is my first time on this forum. Just took down the cambrion and his friends, but now I'm stuck on this stupid wraith and its death traps that kill half my party the moment any of them move. I can't position my fighters, and I don't have a cleric to help me out with turning undead etc. which I'm beginning to reeeally regret. When I got to the maze, I didn't realize what I was getting myself into and I wish I had just decided to go with a different quest.

My party makeup is

Valygar (I should just trade him for aerie, shouldn't I?)
Nalia (Will probably trade her for imoen later, need a better thief)

I tried using my globe of invulnerability to set off the traps safely but I died. Obviously I can't go back, and I refuse to believe that this is impossible for me, although it certainly feels that way. I raged pretty hard when I realized the floor is trapped, and only a few of my party members can even hurt the wraiths. It's looking pretty hopeless for me here, if you can suggest a tactic or hint a weakness for me, I'd be very grateful. I don't care about spoilers I just want my journey to continue, I've got all the loot I can carry and I'd like to sell some of it.

UPDATE: I actually got through the traps, but none of my weapons do any damage to the demon wraith, so now I'm almost certain that I'm screwed...
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  • xscott71xxscott71x Member Posts: 63
    Where exactly are you in the game, and what weapons is the party using?
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    (1) Don't run across the traps

    (2) Quickly (as in immediately) start summoning next to the wraith. Pick summon undead for their immunities. This will keep the wraith busy casting spells on them and not your party.

    (3) Take everything out, and do it carefully. I personally save the wraith for last.

    Good luck!
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    I actually was able to run past him, and get to the portal behind him. It took a few tries because he was sitting on top of the portal, but I was able to knock him off and leave the keep. I plan coming back later with aerie and better weapons, since nothing I have was hurting him. I really didn't want a cleric because I have Jaheira, it felt redundant. I've got enough spellcasters too, and I really hate Anomen. He irks me, and I've got plenty of warrior types too. It'd be nice if their was a good aligned full cleric, maybe somebody who isn't annoying. @Grum thank you for the advice and @xscott71x I'm actually only in chapter two. I'm going to go through a bit more of the game, level up a little, and refine my party composition.

    I'm finding this game extremely challenging, mostly because I can't remember what is immune to what. I've never played 2nd edition D&D so I had to learn a few things. "wtf is THAC0!?"

    Does anyone know what the those wraiths are weak to? I've killed plenty of undead but these are a whole other ball game by the look of it.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    try casting the breach spell on the demon wrath, ( and even then, you might need +3 weapons or better to even hit him, usually the time I go there I have +3 or better weapons) there are 2 major dispelling spells you want at your disposal; breach and ruby ray of reversal

    breach: this spell dispels and mage shields that would hamper a fighter ( protection from magical weapons, improved mantle, absolutely immunity, stoneskin, etc..) if you have warriors in melee against magic users and they aren't doing any damage, throw a breach on them, and watch the mage turn to chop suey

    ruby ray of reversal: if you are trying to cast spells on an enemy caster and its not doing squat, try casting this spell, because this spell dispels spells that protect casters from other casters ( spell turning, spell deflection, spell trap, etc...)

    sometimes enemies will have multiple protections on, so you may need to cast breach twice or ruby ray twice, but other than that, hit a mage with breach and ruby ray, and the cavalry should be able to take them down

    so when you go back to the demon wraith, cast a breach or 2, and then watch him fall to the might of your warriors
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    Awesome! I didn't think about using breach, my protagonist should have it. Do you know what level Ruby Ray is?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    ruby ray is a level 7 spell, so your mage level will have to be level 14 to be able to use level 7 spells
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    Ah, looks like I've got some questing to do before that spell then. Only 7th level spells I have are Mordenkainens sword and protection from energy. I love that first spell, my favorite summon personally.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    well mordenkainen's sword is virtually indestructible, the only thing that can damage it is magic damage, and ability drain, plus it hits as a +4 weapon, so yeah, its an awesome summon, if you get to the bottom of watcher's keep, you might want to summon as many as you can if you plan to battle down there ( just sayin :) )
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    Seeing as how I'm not at the bottom yet and I've been getting my butt kicked, I'm scared of whatever's down there.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    yeah, level 5 and 6 are really made for teams that are in ToB, but I have beaten watchers keep while in SoA, but that was eons again, I usually don't start watchers keep until I hit ToB because it can just make your characters way to powerful for SoA

    because back in the olden days before ToB the xp cap was 2.95 million xp, and then ToB comes in a cranks it to 8 million, so without even going to watchers keep I still hit about 3.4-3.6 million xp at the end of SoA, and that makes SoA a lot easier but, what can you do
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    I've never gotten as far as ToB. Jeez, 8 mil... That's some high level stuff yo. I wonder what level mage I'll be by then.

    So, when you hit the cap, is it like collective XP, or is it like the max for a single class? Could you hit the max with one class, and then dual class? That could potentially be pretty OP.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    nope, its 8 million max for both classes, so say for example you are a level 40 fighter ( that's a fighter with 8 million xp) and you go to dual class, you wont be able to gain experience, because 8 million is the hard cap, if you started as a mage you will hit level 31 at 7 875 000 xp, but lets say for example you are a fighter at level 12 with 1 146 955 xp and then dual over to anything ( lets just say mage for example) so when you dual, your xp will drop down to the minimum for the first class ( so now your fighter class will have 1 000 000 xp instead of 1 146 955) and your mage class will be allowed to gain 7 000 000 xp ( which is 8 000 000 - 1 000 000 from your fighter class) so if you were a level 12 fighter then dual classed over to a mage you could hit level 28 at 6 750 000 xp ( and the other 250 000 isn't enough to gain another level so you would hit max level at 28)

    so if you are a multiclass character you can only get 4 000 000 xp in both classes or 2 666 666 in 3 classes for triple class characters ( triple class mages are never able to cast level 9 spells with the default ToB level cap)
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    Do you know how high my mage class will go if I started my mage class at level 9 kensai? makes me wish I went to 12 or high in fighter classes so I could get that two weapon fighting up to the max. At least my longsword skill is grand master, my attack is still insane with a haste spell. I melt everything without protection. I also wish you could multiclass with sorcerer and barbarian. Together those could potentially be brutal.
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    I wish I had some friends with this game. I'd love to try multiplayer.

    I played the original baldurs gate when I was like 6, and never played it much after that. It's definitely not a kids game, but I still remembered so much about it, like that dude who waits for you outside of the friendly arm inn, and of course Minsc. He's pretty unforgettable.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    your mage class will hit level 30 at max ( the difference between level 30 and level 31 is one more HP) but usually when people max kensai/mage dual class, they have their kensai hit level 13 for the extra half attack per round, but at mage level 12,18, 24, and 30 you will gain one more proficiency point, so you can keep placing them on two weapon style and max that out as well, so not all is lost, and if you really want your char to be a blender, give him improved haste, that will DOUBLE his attacks per round, instead of giving him one extra
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    Jeez, this build is insane... Would be perfect for a solo run, if only it had a way of dealing with undead better. Good news is, I'm immune to level drains now, so happy days ahead. I friggin hate vampires and their drains. I get sick of curing that.
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    Yeah, perfect solo run character. Just make sure you have knock. Only thing that might give you real trouble is anything that level drains, but I solved that problem anyway, obviously.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    I am assuming that you are using the amulet of power? did you know that if you get the mace of disruption and go to Cromwell with the illithium ore, you can upgrade it to the mace of disruption +2 which gives you immunity to level drain, it strikes as a +5 weapon, and each time an undead is hit by it ( including greather mummies, liches, demiliches) they must make a save vs death with a -4 penalty or die instantly
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    Holy... I think I had it... but sold it... Gonna have to hunt that down. Who's Cromwell???

    ...More people need to play this game.

    ....And I thought Dark Souls was tough....
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    Cromwell is a dwarven blacksmith in athkatla who will make weapons and armor if you give him the right stuff (ankheg scales, red dragon scales, black dragon scales, pieces for the silver sword; equalizer; wave halberd; gesen bow; mace of disruption with illithium ore)
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    I see... Can he upgrade my flail of ages? I have a poison head that's taking up space.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    nope, cespenar does that in ToB ( you will meet up with "him" very early in ToB)
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    Awww, I gotta carry this thing around? I need a bag of holding like nobodies business. Getting sick of figuring out what loot is better/will sell for more....
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    what I usually do is, when I have left over items that I don't need I stick them in a barrel in the adventurers mart ( in the promenade in ribald's shop) things like keys, pieces to weapons that Cromwell will make later, letters so on and so forth, and then when I need them, I can always come back to the barrel and pick them up later( if you place things inside containers, they will NEVER disappear) and once you go to spellhold, you will find a bag of holding there ( which holds up to 100 items) in in early ToB you can buy a bag of holding that holds up to 200 items
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    That's handy info. Thanks a bunch.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    no problem, and if you ever have more questions about anything about the bg series feel free to message me up, I've played these games more times then they are people in the world ( being slightly sarcastic of coarse but not to far off)
  • YannirYannir Member Posts: 595
    When you fight the demon wraith, if you kill the big guy first, the other ghosts will turn friendly and disappear shortly after. Kind of gives you a choice to do this the easy way, but then you do lose some experience. This is actually one of the only situations where the spell Find Traps becomes useful. It immediately finds all the traps in this room, and your thief can then proceed to detrapping them.

    If you are still in chap 2, and haven't been to Bodhi's base, you won't have the Mace of Disruption yet. So don't waste too much energy finding it from a vendor. The Illithium ore can be found during one of the quests from the Temple District.
  • Blu6Blu6 Member Posts: 16
    Oh, thanks man. I'll remember that when I get back on the game.
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    sarevok57 said:

    what I usually do is, when I have left over items that I don't need I stick them in a barrel in the adventurers mart ( in the promenade in ribald's shop) things like keys, pieces to weapons that Cromwell will make later, letters so on and so forth, and then when I need them, I can always come back to the barrel and pick them up later( if you place things inside containers, they will NEVER disappear) and once you go to spellhold, you will find a bag of holding there ( which holds up to 100 items) in in early ToB you can buy a bag of holding that holds up to 200 items

    Have to add this warning.

    If you leave stuff needed in TOB, for weapon upgrades (or anthing else you might want in TOB), anywhere other than Watchers Keep, you cannot access it.

    WK is the only accessible area in both games.
    So choose a chest on the first level, bit of a pain though it maybe having to haul it across the map.
    (yep, you guessed it, I got caught out once, only the once though......why can't you go back to Athkatla......why?)

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    you can always warp back to athkatla with the cheat console
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