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Upgradable Dak'kon's Blade

MeteoMeteo Member Posts: 4
edited January 2014 in BGII:EE Mods
Hey guys, this is my first attempt at modding. All it does is add a simple quest to the game and allows you to upgrade Dak'kon's Zerth Blade. I was disappointed by the lack of interesting unique katanas in this game. Basically theres Hindo's Doom and Celestial Fury, and thats it. And Hindo's Doom is pretty lackluster relatively for an endgame weapon.

I've tried to keep the mod lore friendly and made the upgrade balanced in comparison to the other weapons in the game. I'm no expert in the lore though so if there is inconsistency, please correct me.

You can upgrade the katana based on 1 of 3 options: attack, defense, and magic. This way, there should be a katana for all playstyles. Later, you will be able to upgrade them to even more powerful versions (+4, +5) with new effects (once I get to it).

The mod is extremely simple so I doubt it will conflict with anything. Let me know what you guys think! Please leave any feedback/bugs you may find.

more screenshots

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  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2014
    Nice idea. Will try it in my new playthrough. Thanks for making this. (allways loved Dak'kon & Torment)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Shouldn't the Chained Blade double spell level 1 and 2?? Like it does in PS:T.
  • MeteoMeteo Member Posts: 4
    I guess it shouldn't hurt to do that. I prolly have to lower the AC bonus on it though. Right now +6AC makes it better than any other shield in the game, and its only +3
  • PorcelynPorcelyn Member Posts: 65
    Dak'kon asked me to bring him 2 blades similar to his Katana. I have Hindo's Doom and Malakar but he doesn't recognize them. What swords does he want me to bring him?
  • YamchaYamcha Member Posts: 490
    edited January 2014
    maybe 2 plain Katana
  • MeteoMeteo Member Posts: 4
    you need to bring him +2 enhancement level katanas
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308

    This is a really cool idea and a nice mod.
    On another thread, people were also talking about this, would you please look at some of my ideas how to make the zerth blade more interesting and tell me what you think. Could any of them be incorporated into your mod?
  • MeteoMeteo Member Posts: 4
    I read through the thread. Great ideas, very similar to what I had in mind. Ill update the mod this weekend. Good to know there's interest. Motivates me to work on it :)
  • MrTea1976MrTea1976 Member Posts: 20
    A simple question - where do I put this? This mod is such a good idea!
  • MrTea1976MrTea1976 Member Posts: 20
    Never mind, I've solved my own problem. Now looking forward to using it.
  • MondoMondo Member Posts: 3
    Good idea. Would be cooler if he's not a ghost.
  • vigovilingarvigovilingar Member Posts: 64
    @Meteo‌ doyou continue working on this mod? Would you plan any upgrades?
  • akridianakridian Member Posts: 11
    Where is the link to the file?
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    +6 armor class?! That is way too much.
    Tolerable maximum should be +4, or make that +6 noncumulative with armor (like most bracers).
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    edited August 2015
    it's a homage to ps:t because in that game a version of the blade gives +6 ac.

    but the defense branch of upgrades (chaned blade) would definitely work better as a 2-handed katana. there are already mods for that.

    also, in pnp convention (and bg is way closer to that than ps:t), a +6 ac weapon could never be +3. if it was to have +3 dam/thac0 and +6 ac it would be a +9 weapon i think.

    so it'd probably be best to make a compromise and reserve the +3 offensive and +3 ac enchantments for the ultimate, +6 version and grant the remaining +3 ac as several uses of blur per day along with some neat immunities for an ultimate defensive weapon.

    edit: also, since 1d10+3 is lame for an endgame weapon, not matter how good for defense, so it could have a higher base damage, just the way carsomyr has 1d12 (it would be a two handed katana after all so some liberties can be taken because this doesn't have a precedent; 2d6 might be even better to differentiate a bit)
  • akridianakridian Member Posts: 11
    Where do you get the quest?
  • biffyclangerbiffyclanger Member Posts: 216
    Please make it a speed weapon :).
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  • biffyclangerbiffyclanger Member Posts: 216
    why where are the others?
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    @Meteo , how can you upgrade katana ?
  • akridianakridian Member Posts: 11
    I can't get it to install. Where should I have what files? It worked on my last install but can't figure it out now. Please help!
  • marcialhdmarcialhd Member Posts: 53
    hi i have one question does the mod upgrade the dak'kon's blade to +5 or does it only upgrades to +3?, if it is the latter where can i find a mod that upgrades it to +5?
  • CaileanCailean Member Posts: 5
    Same question as marcialhd, in the Underdark Dakkon says something about upgrading the sword even further later on, where/when does this happen? I'm at the end of ToB and have not run into him again. The spoilers in the OP are gone!
  • vishvish Member Posts: 49
    For anyone still trying to figure how this mod works. Dak is in the Underdark and will approach you almost right as you enter. The two katanas you need for the first upgrade are Malakar and a +2 Katana, he WILL NOT accept two normal +2 Katanas, since there is only one +2 Katana in SoA.

    I could be wrong, but looking over the files I don't think he ever got to the +4 and +5 versions. The dakkon.tp2 file has all the item descriptions but there are no references to those items, DAK4+DAK5, in any files and the .dlg file for Dak only provides options to the first upgrade.
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