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Where mah shorties at?



  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    I might have to roll up my halfling fighter Bindi Underfoot (or her brothers Burr & Caltrop) since she's not related to any of my writing making her a free character.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Communard said:

    You like your ladies bearded? Well, takes all sorts I guess...
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I can see how anyone would see that my post saying "racist" is a bit much, but then again it's just an inside joke for myself, and didn't think anyone here would at all take it too seriously. I'm not actually seriously implying that anyone is a racist.

    Back to topic though, I like pretty much enjoy all the races, and I feel like a few of them, especially the shorter races, aren't represented enough in the games. I can understand from a lore standpoint, why there would be more humans than any other particular race, but having only one halfling, one dwarf, and one gnome as joinable NPCs in BG2 is ridiculous and I do very much hope that changes. I also hope that as this game becomes larger, and more successful (And I'm praying to Selune every day for it) that Beamdog will go ahead and make more NPCs as future downloadable content that are of the shorter, less used races. Also hoping those races will have some romances so that I can actually enjoy playing a shorter race for once (Even though I prefer playing an elf anyways)

    Sorry for the essay and thanks for voting XD
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416

    Only tall, statuesque humans, half-elves and elves for me please.

    I second that, adding the occasional Half-Orc to play as a Berserker.

  • CrazedSlayerCrazedSlayer Member Posts: 131
    Xavioria said:

    Back to topic though, I like pretty much enjoy all the races, and I feel like a few of them, especially the shorter races, aren't represented enough in the games. I can understand from a lore standpoint, why there would be more humans than any other particular race, but having only one halfling, one dwarf, and one gnome as joinable NPCs in BG2 is ridiculous and I do very much hope that changes. I also hope that as this game becomes larger, and more successful (And I'm praying to Selune every day for it) that Beamdog will go ahead and make more NPCs as future downloadable content that are of the shorter, less used races. Also hoping those races will have some romances so that I can actually enjoy playing a shorter race for once (Even though I prefer playing an elf anyways)

    Aye, not only are they scarce in representation, but also meager in how they are portrayed. Isn't Amn meant to have a comparatively higher concentration of the shorter races? They don't necessarily need to be the antagonists, but some form of lasting impression would be appreciated.
    Perhaps a way to keep playing as an elf would be to let the new addition be romancible by the taller races? I dont think that sort of thing is against the rules in 2nd edition (even if it is, you're a bhaalspawn, you can do what you want XD). Hells, at least then I'd be able to romance something that isn't from a race that predominately looks down on humans!
  • SmaugSmaug Member Posts: 216
    I've always loved the Dwarves mythology and culture in the D&D novels. I do however, lament their lack of non-divine magic-users. Gnomes are a close second due to their depiction as tinkerers and magic connoisseurs.
  • DaekeeperDaekeeper Member Posts: 12
    Halflings.... If Mazzy would have only been a thief...
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I like them all, but Dwarves are great.
  • AzL0nAzL0n Member Posts: 126
    Gibberlings! :)
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @CrazedSlayer oh I have to agree wholeheartedly, and in all honesty, I don't see how the only halfling you can recruit, DOESN'T come from Amn. I always thought there should have at least been more halflings.
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