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Where mah shorties at?

XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
edited September 2012 in Off-Topic
Just wanted to show some love for the shorter races by opening up a poll to see which one people like the most!
  1. Where mah shorties at?137 votes
    1. Dwarf (I like to get drunk and start bar fights! YEA!)
    2. Halfling (I cause a lot of trouble, but no one will ever know it was me)
    3. Gnome (I'm smarter than the average bear... And Stephen Hawking)
    4. Other (Goblin, or Xvart or something else DARE to be different)
    5. None (I am a racist and do not include those small people into my party!)
Post edited by Coriander on


  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308
    I like having gnomes in my party as the resident spellcaster, though I confess I don't like the shortest races for protagonists (halfling and gnomes).

    Mind you, the inclusion of Xvarts in the poll assures "Other's" victory.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    edited September 2012
    I love the nerdy gnomes. Wizards and inventors. < 3

    Shame what happened to them in 4e.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Love me some dwarf gals. A shame that Black Isle/Bioware is apparently convinced they don't exist.

    I believe the intent there was to differentiate gnomes from gnomes in games like WoW. The gnome inventors with their semi-steampunk technology is a cliche these days.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    Lmao people actually answered none... Sorry that's just a personal laugh for me...
  • HeavylineHeavyline Member Posts: 108
    Dwarves! Korgan is always a must-have dude in my party. Love that brute!
  • Gun19Gun19 Member Posts: 48
    A berserker dwarf wielding Crom Feayr just feels right to me :-)
  • CrazedSlayerCrazedSlayer Member Posts: 131
    I wouldn't play as non-human, but I definitely prefer halfling NPCs
  • TheudipaldTheudipald Member Posts: 30
    Gnomes. Gotta love them little knee-grows.
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    After recruiting Deekin in NWN SoU I have a soft spot for kobold bards :).
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    I voted Halfling because Alora is my favourite character in the game. But I'm also pro-Dwarves because I like Kagain. However, I always play as a human.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012
    Kinda partial to halflings. Although I like dwarves about as well. I guess that boils down to a slight preference for the thief class over fighter. Because 99 times out of a hundred I'll use a halfling as thief and dwarf as tank. I think I do have more of an affinity with the halfling cultural personality too, though, as well.

    I've never cared much for gnomes, at least for a PC. Not sure why.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Dwarves are well and good. But the sheer insanity of Derro is so much more fun to witness.
  • KharasKharas Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2012
    Dwarf all the way.. And its really a shame that there aint more dwarfs, and especially dwarf females in these series.. Hmm.. maybe I should make an all out dwarf female group to play trough IWD at some point :)

    Or maybe have the main char be male dwarf.. and the other 5 chars be female dwarfs... this stuff got some potential!! :)

    Anyway.. getting off topic here, for sure dwarf.
  • AtlanticAtlantic Member Posts: 44
    The only good non-human is a dead non-human :D
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    Only tall, statuesque humans, half-elves and elves for me please.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    although the racist tag was a bit much, in my pnp session, no one ever seemed to play the shorter races. everyone seemed to mostly play human/(h)elf, or h-orcs. But them, it was only 6 of us, and our char builds never varied tooo much.

    also, i usually build my party early in both games, so in bg1, was usually pc, imoen, misnc, jeheria, khalid, and typically brawnen. BG2, pc, yoshimo(later imoen), misnc, jaheria(to be subbed out with viconia), aerie and if i took a 6th, was usually a pally.
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    edited September 2012
    Dwarves! They're the only small race I feel has an actual culture rather than a single gimmick (halflings = "we're basically hobbits", gnomes = "we're zany and magic")

    Love me some dwarf gals. A shame that Black Isle/Bioware is apparently convinced they don't exist.

    You like your ladies bearded? Well, takes all sorts I guess...
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    ID2 has them sexy half-goblins...
  • DragonserpentDragonserpent Member Posts: 15
    I'm a big fan of playing kobolds and pathfinder goblins in my pnp games, and I enjoy a good shorty race in any D&D game. It helps with my immersion, as they are such believable races and characters in my mind that don't exist elsewhere. Dwarven archer's, halfling paladin's, gnomish bard's, goblin inquistor's and kobold trapsmiths are all characters I've built happily for a good tabletop game.
  • Jedi_GnomeJedi_Gnome Member Posts: 92
    Gnomes, 'natch!
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    From all short races, I generally like Dwarves the most. Halflings comes next. And because of Jan Jansen I'm not fond of gnomes at all.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Try hurting a dwarven fighter-cleric. It's pretty impossible and even when you do, he just regenerates his health.
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    We're going to dig deep and greedily!
  • GarmGarm Member Posts: 67
    I like dwarves even though I rarely play a PC that isn't an human. I'm a fan of Yeslick and Korgan.

    I have nothing against gnomes, but I'm not a big fan of halflings (I blame Tolkien for that, eh).
  • Tr_ondTr_ond Member Posts: 496
    Dwarves, because Dwarves.
  • MetaSiegMetaSieg Member Posts: 26
    Dwarves, give me an axe and some good ale and I'm ready to rumble.
  • UnseeyingEyeUnseeyingEye Member Posts: 48
    edited September 2012
    I still let these sub-humans into my party but only for as long as they may be useful. I won't be running off to the town priest for a Raise Dead believe me.
  • RexfaroensisRexfaroensis Member Posts: 134

    Dwarves are well and good. But the sheer insanity of Derro is so much more fun to witness.

    Where do you find Derro? Underdark? I've been away from BG2 for too long.

    Moreover, Kagain's otherworldly constitution made me a fan of dwarves for life. Even to the point of going on the prowl on saturday nights looking for some dwarven lovemaking!

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