Cannot Save Game

I downloaded BGEE on my laptop via Steam and I cannot save any files. I have BGEE on my main PC and it works fine--they have identical operating systems (Windows 10).
I have had the game on my PC for a while, prior to the Windows 10 update, which I think is part of the problem.
Since I didn't download BGEE on my laptop until after the update, the game is not going into my documents folder as it did on my PC. Instead, the game is located in--C:\Program Files (86)\Steam\steamapps\common\baldur's gate enhanced edition.
I have scoured my computed to make sure that it is not located anywhere else, and I have been unable to find it. The launch shortcut on my desktop is definitively tied to the above location.
The trouble is that I have no save game folders and I cannot find them if they are being created somewhere else. Basically what is happening is that I launch a game, attempt to save (auto, quick, or named file) and when I go back through the game menu to find that save, it does not exist. Unfortunately, I found this out the first time after I had quicked and autosaved myself through two hours of gameplay and when I went to reload after an unfortunate encounter with a wolf, I had no games to load.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice and have had no luck resolving this issue. Quicksaving or Name-saving in game and immediately going to the in-game save folder results in have nothing to show. The BGEE folder on my comp seems to be missing the baldur.ini file as well as (perhaps) other folders and files normal to BGEE (which I can look at when i have my pc in front of me later).
I have had the game on my PC for a while, prior to the Windows 10 update, which I think is part of the problem.
Since I didn't download BGEE on my laptop until after the update, the game is not going into my documents folder as it did on my PC. Instead, the game is located in--C:\Program Files (86)\Steam\steamapps\common\baldur's gate enhanced edition.
I have scoured my computed to make sure that it is not located anywhere else, and I have been unable to find it. The launch shortcut on my desktop is definitively tied to the above location.
The trouble is that I have no save game folders and I cannot find them if they are being created somewhere else. Basically what is happening is that I launch a game, attempt to save (auto, quick, or named file) and when I go back through the game menu to find that save, it does not exist. Unfortunately, I found this out the first time after I had quicked and autosaved myself through two hours of gameplay and when I went to reload after an unfortunate encounter with a wolf, I had no games to load.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice and have had no luck resolving this issue. Quicksaving or Name-saving in game and immediately going to the in-game save folder results in have nothing to show. The BGEE folder on my comp seems to be missing the baldur.ini file as well as (perhaps) other folders and files normal to BGEE (which I can look at when i have my pc in front of me later).
Are you saying, revert to my original Windows for this computer and then re-install Windows 10 to get rid of this?
@Troodon80 had some tips you may want to try first, however none of those worked for me.
Note that when you try to change the read-only attribute, you may need to go one or two steps back. For example, in my instructions linked, you may need to do this:
cd "C:\Users\[your name]\" attrib -r /d /s
Instead of this:
cd "C:\Users\[your name]\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition" attrib -r /d /s
If read-only is set on the Documents folder, then in Windows 10 I don't think it will matter about setting files inside that to something else. It will revert back to its inherited attributes.
Also, while I added the takeown command to the bottom of the linked comment, if you are not the owner then you will need to do takeown first and then sort out the attributes.
As an additional note, if you would rather avoid the command line to some degree:- find the folder you want to check (e.g. Documents or your parent ./Users/yourname/), right click the folder and press Properties, press the tab labelled Security, and check your ownership there, then check your permissions.
I tried updating from 7 to 10 and had no issues with this, so I need more information as to what occurred during the upgrade, what other software was used (e.g. decado said it was noticed after setting up OneDrive?), and when it was noticed.
I attempted to utilize the cmd at the:
cd "C:\Users\name\"
attrib -r /d /s
and at the
cd "C:\Users\name\Documents"
attrib -r /d /s
level and I received a series of errors for the first that basically indicated that there were too many inaccessible files--my music, my pictures, and a slue of others. The second stated "Not resetting hidden file -- C:\Users\name\Documents\default.rdp" and "Not resetting hidden file -- C:\Users\name\Documents\desktop.ini"
No idea what that means.
According to Properties, I am the administrator and everyone has full access. However, I cannot actually go into my documents. When I click on it, I recieve a pop-up that states "Access is denied."
I have Windows 10 on my regular PC and have "0" problems with it. I am not sure what went differently with my laptop versus my PC. I use Onedrive on both and have used it for years. My Documents is usually not a big deal, since I don't store actual data there outside of default from installations such as BGEE. I noticed it yesterday when I could not save my BGEE game. If it were not for that I doubt if I would have ever noticed since I don't normally use my laptop as anything more than I giant remote control for my PC. Also, the time stamp of the Documents folder is for the exact time I completed the upgrade, if that is in any way relevant.
I plan to try the reinstall of Windows 10 this weekend when I can do without the laptop for a bit and see how it goes. Though, I am open to any other options you might have.
Additional question: after changing the attributes, did you just look up the attribute, or did you try saving a game from inside Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition (or other game)?