I agree that they could make more use of Easter Eggs and nods or references to other characters since apparently the Hero universe is growing steadily. heck, maybe they could have done something like have Foggy bump into Jessica or even Luke. it's the small touches that really make the 'Universe'.
I've made it to episode 7 and am really liking it. I gotta say that Luke Cage is so well cast. I don't know anything at all about Jessica as a comic character, but I really like Kristen as well.
I'm very pleased overall with the show and look forward to more.
One interesting difference I noted... in the comic Civil War the entire conflict started because Stamford, Connecticut was destroyed. They are changing this in the movie.
Stamford, Connecticut is my hometown. Born and raised.
Clearly the people in charge of the MCU didn't want to kill off their most compelling character
Heimdall really isn't Thor's friend. He can see Thor's close friends on Midgard but hasn't gotten around to telling him that Coulson is still alive (albeit missing a hand). Incidentally, "Odin" knows that Coulson is still alive--he sent Sif to deal with the Enchantress and while she was there she worked with Coulson, which would have been in the report she gave to "Odin" when she got back.
On a related topic, Agents of Shield--the longest prologue to a movie in the history of movies. It's the build-up to The Inhumans.
It does seem like Team Tony has the upper hand. Team Cap is one super-soldier, a guy who can become really small and four humans with gadgets. Meanwhile Vision is on Iron Man's side, and he has been shown to be pretty damn powerful.
Isn't Team Cap TWO super-soldiers? Just saying that Winter Soldier is (more or less) another one.
Anyway, just finished up Jessica Jones. I liked it a lot but admit that it did begin to drag in the latter half. I still liked Daredevil better and I appreciated the nod that JJ gave to it. Highly recommend it for anyone who liked DD and Marvel's attempt at Superhero TV.
@the_spyder agree with your Jessica Jones opinion. The Nuke/Simpson storyline kinda dragged, and the neighbors became less interesting during the last three or so episodes before the finale.
Still a very good season, and I really look forward to seeing what they do with Luke Cage.
Heimdall really isn't Thor's friend. He can see Thor's close friends on Midgard but hasn't gotten around to telling him that Coulson is still alive (albeit missing a hand). Incidentally, "Odin" knows that Coulson is still alive--he sent Sif to deal with the Enchantress and while she was there she worked with Coulson, which would have been in the report she gave to "Odin" when she got back.
On a related topic, Agents of Shield--the longest prologue to a movie in the history of movies. It's the build-up to The Inhumans.
Ethics of someone who can see everything: you keep people's secrets, even from friends. So long as knowledge of Coulson's alive-ness doesn't affect Asgard's security, honour dictates that that Heimdall doesn't go around blabbing.
Ethics of someone who can see everything: you keep people's secrets, even from friends. So long as knowledge of Coulson's alive-ness doesn't affect Asgard's security, honour dictates that that Heimdall doesn't go around blabbing.
Which I find quite funny. I know a certain nosey person who seems to 'See' everyone else's business and she has absolutely no qualms about telling everyone and anyone whom she can about all of it. I guess it is a good thing she isn't from Norse Mythology.
So I did a Jessica Jones marathon and I must say I preferred the show version of her over any of the comic book versions of her I've ever read. Also I thought the show was much more fun and interesting than Daredevil, mostly because they didn't ever really focus on the side characters overly much and there wasn't a Foggy character, which is a huge plus in my book.
I thought the characterisation and acting was excellent in J Jones, but I thought the Purple Man wasn't enough for 13 episodes, despite Tennant's excellent performance. The idea of a "big bad" is they send out lesser enemies to overcome first, as in Daredevil, but there was very little of that. Instead we had various characters forced to be gratuitously stupid in order to keep the villain on the loose. You just know that someone like Coulson would have defeated him in one episode using earplugs. Indeed, that occurred to a run-of-the-mill SSR agent in the last episode of Agent Carter series 1.
There where also some continuity errors. For example, the way Killgrave's powers where established, it should not have been possible for Albert to remove his hand from the blender without being given explicit permission.
I do agree that the latter part of the season of J Jones did seem to be a series of "He's caught... But he escapes." with increasingly improbably circumstances.
I also was like "Blast some AC/DC and hey presto. No control" long about episode 4 so I am not sure why it took till episode 12 to figure that one out. But hey. Continuity? Whateva...
Overall, I liked it a lot and definitely think that they are on the right track.
It does seem like Team Tony has the upper hand. Team Cap is one super-soldier, a guy who can become really small and four humans with gadgets. Meanwhile Vision is on Iron Man's side, and he has been shown to be pretty damn powerful.
Instead we had various characters forced to be gratuitously stupid in order to keep the villain on the loose.
This was my biggest problem with it. They really had to stretch to reach 13 episodes, and this caused the show to drag at the end. They had to let Purple Man escape time and time again and then distract us with an out of place story about Simpson.
I don't understand the Foggy hat tbh... he is great
I'm getting more and more excited for Luke Cage, mainly since I haven't read any comic featuring him exclusively. When I saw him most was in the New Avengers, in the Alias (Jessica Jones) comics and then in features as Matt Murdock's bodyguard and as Iron Fist's partner.
But... DAREDEVIL season 2 looks amazing. Only two months. So. Pumped.
I'm about 4 episodes in. Loving it so far. I think that "Frank" is done perfectly. Can't wait to see more. And yes, thus far I am liking it at least as much as season 1.
So I finally watched Deadpool a few weeks ago and I have to say as fan of the comics for last 10-15 yrs, I was impressed. It had just the right amount of 4th wall breaking, the right amount of ultra violence, the right amount of snarky one-liners and for some reason I don't quite understand the most earnest and competent love story in a comic book movie ever. Don't know if it's the best Marvel movie, I know it's the most fun Marvel movie by far, also know it's not actually a Marvel movie.
My thoughts on Daredevil S2, when Frank is being awesome and killing scum, YAY. When the show is about anybody else, BOO BOO BOOOOOOOO!!! You Suck, I hate you Foggy.
I really liked the fact that the "Love story" in Deadpool was basically two people who were horribly broken, but broken in just the right way to make it work for them. Leaves me with hopes that I'll eventually find someone as broken as me someday (yes, I am that kind of sap).
I've been loving Daredevil season 2. Not a huge fan of Jon, but he really kicks it as Frank. I think they have just the right amount of stuff from season 1 (Awesome Kingpin) and new stuff. So very worth it. I hope that they continue with season 3 etc....
One negative thing I am finding about the whole thing and am curious if anyone else has this issue. Now that I have power watched most of the season, I don't want it to end and have to wait a whole year for more. while the pacing of a 'TV' show has it's own special horrors, the freedom to binge watch a show in it's entirety in a weekend (ish) has it's own problems. Anyone else?
One negative thing I am finding about the whole thing and am curious if anyone else has this issue. Now that I have power watched most of the season, I don't want it to end and have to wait a whole year for more. while the pacing of a 'TV' show has it's own special horrors, the freedom to binge watch a show in it's entirety in a weekend (ish) has it's own problems. Anyone else?
For sure! I actually rewatched season 1 in August, so it was less of a wait... yet it still felt like forever.
It strikes me resemblance of Strange to the Dorian character from Dragon age: Inquisition. If there will ever be Dragon age movie, Benedict Cumberbatch is the right choice for Dorian.
Oh, yes--looks to be the most visually stunning Marvel movie to date, which is to be expected. We know from the Thor movies that the other "realms" are still in this dimension, separated only by distance, but in Doctor Strange we will finally get to experience other dimensions. Well, at least the Dark Dimension, most likely, since I expect the plot to feature Clea and Dormammu.
Also, Murdock was representing the tenants in a lawsuit against their corrupt landlord, so its not true on either side.
I've made it to episode 7 and am really liking it. I gotta say that Luke Cage is so well cast. I don't know anything at all about Jessica as a comic character, but I really like Kristen as well.
I'm very pleased overall with the show and look forward to more.
"So was I."
Stamford, Connecticut is my hometown. Born and raised.
Clearly the people in charge of the MCU didn't want to kill off their most compelling character
On a related topic, Agents of Shield--the longest prologue to a movie in the history of movies. It's the build-up to The Inhumans.
Anyway, just finished up Jessica Jones. I liked it a lot but admit that it did begin to drag in the latter half. I still liked Daredevil better and I appreciated the nod that JJ gave to it. Highly recommend it for anyone who liked DD and Marvel's attempt at Superhero TV.
Still a very good season, and I really look forward to seeing what they do with Luke Cage.
There where also some continuity errors. For example, the way Killgrave's powers where established, it should not have been possible for Albert to remove his hand from the blender without being given explicit permission.
I also was like "Blast some AC/DC and hey presto. No control" long about episode 4 so I am not sure why it took till episode 12 to figure that one out. But hey. Continuity? Whateva...
Overall, I liked it a lot and definitely think that they are on the right track.
I don't understand the Foggy hat tbh... he is great
I'm getting more and more excited for Luke Cage, mainly since I haven't read any comic featuring him exclusively. When I saw him most was in the New Avengers, in the Alias (Jessica Jones) comics and then in features as Matt Murdock's bodyguard and as Iron Fist's partner.
But... DAREDEVIL season 2 looks amazing. Only two months. So. Pumped.
It looks awesome, and the spoiler is great!
My favorite superhero and my favorite show.
My thoughts on Daredevil S2, when Frank is being awesome and killing scum, YAY. When the show is about anybody else, BOO BOO BOOOOOOOO!!! You Suck, I hate you Foggy.
I've been loving Daredevil season 2. Not a huge fan of Jon, but he really kicks it as Frank. I think they have just the right amount of stuff from season 1 (Awesome Kingpin) and new stuff. So very worth it. I hope that they continue with season 3 etc....
One negative thing I am finding about the whole thing and am curious if anyone else has this issue. Now that I have power watched most of the season, I don't want it to end and have to wait a whole year for more. while the pacing of a 'TV' show has it's own special horrors, the freedom to binge watch a show in it's entirety in a weekend (ish) has it's own problems. Anyone else?
For sure! I actually rewatched season 1 in August, so it was less of a wait... yet it still felt like forever.
It strikes me resemblance of Strange to the Dorian character from Dragon age: Inquisition.
If there will ever be Dragon age movie, Benedict Cumberbatch is the right choice for Dorian.