Shining Lady stats

What do you think are the Shining Lady's stats? Class, Race, Level, Abillity Scores and Alignment?

My guess:
Aasimar / Solar
Paladin Lv. 20
(Lawful Good)
Str: 18/23
Dex: 17
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 15
Cha: 20

My guess:
Aasimar / Solar
Paladin Lv. 20
(Lawful Good)
Str: 18/23
Dex: 17
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 15
Cha: 20
Post edited by Vitor on
Class: Fighter
Kit: Endless Walker (lvl. 15)
Karma: -500 (Sword of Despair)
Strength: 15
Perception: 19
Endurance: 17
Charisma: 03
Intelligence: 09
Agility: 19
Luck: 20
She looks radioactive no matter how long I look at that artwork of hers.
Given the glowing eyes and the hints of a divine agenda, and in particular given the revelation from Chris Avellone that she's more like a hero (albeit with a conflicting objective) than an actual villain, I agree that she might plausibly turn out to be a Lawful Good Aasimar Paladin. Obviously that's not the only possibility, but it seems to fit the facts so far as yet known.
I'd guess that her level will probably be around 15-16, so that she's very-strong-but-not-totally-ridiculous in comparison to the level-range of the scenario.
I won't even try to guess her detailed stats. Presumably quite good, but beyond that we've nothing to go on.
A Solar in D&D 2nd Edition has this statistics:
HP: 177
AC: -10
Magic Resistance: 85%
Regenerate: 7hp/round
Immune to +4 weapons or lower
4 Attacks (+5 Vorpal Sword)
Thac0: 5
Damage: 2d10 +16
Spells as a 15th Level Priest.
XP: 225,000
Hm... I guess it could be a very good final boss for Siege of Dragonspear. The unique problem would be the +4 weapon immunity... But you could make a quest to reduce that immunity to +1 or +2, the same way you draw Yaga-Shura out of his immortality in ToB.
That right there is the problem. Unless you've got a cleric with death ward, she will take one of your characters per hit.
My main character at the end of BG1 is a Level 8 Berserker with 99 HPs and -19 AC against slashing attacks while raging. Even though, she would have to hit me 4 times to kill me.
And your main character will still die in one hit if you get unlucky, how is that fun?
Solars belong in ToB, not before SoA.
Planetars have a silver sword with added on-hit dispel, Devas have a mace of disruption (upgraded) with added on-hit dispel and chance to stun
Solar would be far too strong. Even without the immunity to +4 or less weapon, without the vorpal sword, they still have -10AC, and 85% magic resistance. That's very very far from easy to even hit. And 4 hits to kill your tankiest character with 4APR means a solar would wipe your entire team in 5 rounds. An Aasimar is already much more credible, as it fits the "divine heritage and great charisma" thing and definitely matches the power level criterion.
(Heroes' Lorebook, pg. 48)
No, really, an Aasimar, even a planetar, could fit. But a Solar? A solar is one of the most powerful non-divine character in FR, that's not something a level 12 team could deal with.
If you want a taste of how powerful a Solar is, have a look at "The Winged" creature file in BG2. She is already hard enough to kill with a full, 6.5m exp team. With a 500k exp team it is literally impossible.
I'm not saying that there should be a Solar in SoD (I don't think there should be), but we have had some less than fair bosses and creatures in Baldur's Gate, so it wouldn't be that much of a leap from what we have now. They could also add certain quests (like mentioned earlier in the thread) that reduces the difficulty of the boss battle, or introduce and item you can get (from questing) like the rod for the Eyeless Beholder, that we could use on her to remove her resistance and other buffs that she have?
So we have the option to fight her with all her buffs up, or use items/quest rewards to reduce the difficulty.
Tastes may vary, but I prefer the idea of fighting an enemy in its proper form at a feasible time, rather than prematurely fighting a nerfed version (i.e. not fighting a "real" one). Thus IMO, Solars belong in ToB, where you have the right tools for the job (and in which you actually do face a Fallen Solar at one point). It's the same reason why the devs never gave us a Dragon to fight in BG1 (in spite of the game being called "Dungeons & Dragons"!) - a proper Dragon would simply slaughter a BG1 party, so they saved all the Dragons for BG2, where the player stands more chance.
I much prefer the Aasimar idea for the Shining Lady. That's the right scale of enemy for an end-SoD battle to be challenging without being unwinnable. (Assuming that we actually do fight her in the end, which indeed may not be the case.)
I imagine she will be the "villain" by virtue of the fact that she is a some sort of holy crusader who sees this Bhaalspawn as an evil abomination that needs to be eliminated on principle, regardless of whether or not Charname is a good person. This would explain why we've been given hints about players being able to visit sites significant to Charname's Bhaal heritage and whatnot. There may be quests involving the Shining Lady gathering evidence against Charname and Charname following her footsteps to find out what exactly she knows or something like that. I think perhaps the professed "dark" ending will entail the Shining Lady revealing what Charname is and turning all of Baldur's Gate against them, forcing them to flee the city.
That's my theory, anyway.
Also, the SoD website does say that "... you must determine whose interests you truly serve before you face the Shining Lady among the ruins of Dragonspear Castle ..." (emphasis added). Perhaps one option for "facing" her might indeed be facing her in peaceful negotiation, but "facing" an antagonist in BG generally means combat.
EDIT: Sarevok can't be party member
His bizarre apperance leds me to think he made some "experiments" to himself. Looking to this image, I think he did something very extreme to his head. I think he oppened his head and inserted in some way his Spell Book in his brain.
Also, we know that he have passive Improved Alacrity. This is godly spellcasting abillity. I think this could be due to ancient arcane Vyshantaar knowledge. So... I also see Jonneleth as an elven equivalent to Elminster, but darker and sinister as hell. And somewhat improved... But Mystra's Favor possibly ties things up back to Elminster.
Goblins->radioactive fowls
I can not fathom a logical explanation to his enormous codpiece as shown in full pictures of him, though.