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Multiple issues with BG:EE on Win7 via Bootcamp


So I'm unable to enable CLUA, which could solve most of my other issues (probably all).
I've been all through
and I'm unable to get console commands active.

I've updated the Baldur .ini, it is saving.
I added the following lines
Program Options Debug Mode 1
Program Options, Debug Mode, 1,
'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
Debug Mode=1

Nothing works. I've tried opening console with Ctrl+Shift+Space, Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+M+Enter, Ctrl+M THEN enter, Ctrl+Tab. You name it, I've tried it. No go.

I am running Win 7 on a MacBook Air via Bootcamp. Playing on BG:EE

My issue is I haven't played BG in a long time & I forgot what is & isn't vital.
I killed the priestess of umberlee to retrieve the boy. I took the gae scroll & not sure WHY, but I sold it for 1 gp. I assumed it was for a quest she COULD'VE given me had I made other choices. That was before I even met Merck & Lothanar. Now Lothanar has informed me I'm poisoned & I have 10 days to live. (You see where this is going)...

Anyway, I've looked all through the shops I can think of that even buy scrolls, hoping they still had it in stock, I either can't find it or it isn't there.

I either need to find a way to enable CLUA console commands or a workaround for this quest or my game is broken. Plain & simple.

Also, Scar is non-existant after he gave me the sewer quest. I'm told with CLUA you could spawn him & end the quest, but again, I can't make CLUA work.

Any suggestions welcome. Ty.



  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    Uhm...I do sort of wonder why you're running through bootcamp when you could run it natively on your mac, as that might be the problem. I'm no expert though.

    Alternatively, do you have other languages enabled? I had to disable Japanese on my computer temporarily in order to make the console work.
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    I don't speak any other languages, unless they are "enabled" by default, then they aren't enabled. I wouldn't know how to check if they were active or inactive. For that matter I wouldn't know how to disable them if they were.
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    Well, there shouldn't be any other languages enabled by default. You can check in system prefs, though. Just type "languages" into the search box to pull up the menu.

    Unfortunately I'm not an expert on bootcamp, I stopped using it because it had a lot of issues on my machine. Though I assume the console should work the same way, I don't know for sure.

    Come to think of it, I did have trouble getting the console to work on my dad's computer. I eventually had to just replace his baldur.ini file with mine to get it to work.
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    English is the only installed display language, but I appreciate the suggestion.
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    edited December 2015

    I don't really have any other suggestions, but if you don't have it figured out by the time I'm home I can upload my baldur.ini file and you can try replacing yours. If you'd rather not, that's fine too, but I thought I'd offer and that is how I fixed it before, so it might work again :smile:
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    That would be appreciated :)
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    Ok, here it is, I hope it works :smile: if not, definitely let me know and I will do my best to figure out what the problem might be :smile:
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    It creates an immediate error when trying to open BG:EE, also your save came with a MacOS folder, again, I'm not running it in MacOS, I'm on Win 7 bootcamp.

    It says "

    An Assertion failed in D:\Dev\chitin\ChDimm.cpp at line number 581
    Programmer says: Unable to Open BIF:data\SFXSound.bif


    But, for starters, I can see that your .ini file has spacing & a clearly different format than mine does.
    Mine is a straight down the page line of code.

    Yours is all over the place with spacing & tabs or something.

    Opening it up with Word Perfect btw
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    I tried grabbing just your

    CREATE TABLE options (
    section string,
    name string,
    value string
    INSERT INTO options ROWS (
    'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',


    removed everything else from the file & put my file back in place with that section added in.

    It doesn't seem to have altered anything, game runs fine, but no CLUA console.
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    Ahhh, I see. Yeah, come to think of it, I don't think they're compatible. I forgot you're running bootcamp. Hmm, can you upload your baldur.ini file and let me look at it?
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    The site won't allow me to just send the 2kb .ini file as is, that's silly.

    I used 7zip, but that shouldn't matter.

    Also, bear in mind anything about debug, cheat, anything related to CLUA, I've put in there & so far, none of it works anyway.
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    My current 'work around' at the moment is to simply avoid talking to Lothanar in central BG. I had a previous save where I haven't spoken with him yet. I already had Merck speak to me in northern BG. Not sure if I'm poisoned with 20 days at that point or if I will be poisoned with 10 days after Lothanar approaches in central.

    My only save prior to that is -1 chapter, -30ish game days. *yikes*

    Better than a full restart I suppose, but damn, you know?
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    Yeah, I totally feel you on that. I would hate to have to go back even that far :no_mouth:

    I feel weird uploading this when I can't test that it actually works, but I suppose it's worth a try.

    Also, if ctrl-space doesn't open the console, ctrl-m might, in case you haven't tried that.
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    Tried that file, it runs, but no CLUA.

    I've tried Ctrl+Space as well as Ctrl+M & Ctrl+Tab. All known variants from the forum post listed above.
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    Well. I was rather hoping that file would surprise me and work, even though I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing since my baldur.ini file is different :smile:

    I can't make any guarantees about this one, either, but I did do something slightly different with it, so maybe...?
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    Same thing, game runs, no noticeable changes, no CLUA. No console all variants tried.
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    I appreciate the effort though. >.< ugh, why did I sell that stinking gae scroll !!!!

    even if I don't replay BG again for 30 years, I won't forget that lol
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    Sigh. Well, it was worth a try :smile:

    Though, you can use EEKeeper to put the scroll in your inventory. It's a really easy program to use. You can find it here:
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    Nice :) well that won't fix Scar, but at least I can continue, the Lothanar quest seems pretty vital.

    Just to see how much time I had or if I was really in mortal peril or not, I walked back & forth from BG to Nashkel about 30 times. It's gone beyond 30 days & no signs of poison, including a "rest" after that point.

    So it appears even after you meet Merck you don't actually get poisoned until Lothanar notifies you that you have been. So in my case it would be annoying to have to avoid him in central BG & I would miss out on a quest, but it at least isn't game breaking.
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    I DL'd it & installed it. EE Keeper can't seem to find my installation folder.

    I did a custom install E:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate

    it doesn't seem to recognize that, though.

    I'm trying to read the FAQ on the link you sent, I can't figure it out :/
  • TiruasTiruas Member Posts: 18
    Welp, there it is like a slap in the face. I'm using the wrong version *sigh*

    This is BG "The original Saga" not BG:EE...

  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    I am not an expert on GOG games, as I rarely use them, and I didn't buy BGEE from there, so I'm not entirely sure where the installation is. I'm also not very familiar with bootcamp and how it stores files, since I haven't used it in years.

    However, I'll do my best.

    I *think* you have to direct it to the folder where the override is located, at least, that's where I've been directing it. If you don't have an override, it would be the same place where data and lang folders, etc., are located.
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