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Know Thy Selfie (Updated with NEW Portraits!)

TraycorTraycor Member Posts: 33
edited April 2016 in The Road to v2.0
Hadn't made a digital painting in a while so I grabbed the @BillyYank selfie from the milestone thread and baldurized it. Enjoy!


Updated with the pics of @bleusteel (for full size file, see post below)


Update from the @rorikon selfie. See post below for full size file. Enjoy!


Post edited by Traycor on


  • TraycorTraycor Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2016
    And the smaller version
  • Greenman019Greenman019 Member Posts: 206
    Really well done. Good job man
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Dee wrote: »
    I want to play that character right now.

    I'm thinking Paladin, maybe Inquisitor.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,426
    That's some nice work :open_mouth:

    Planning on doing any more?
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    Anyone else thinking Keldorn alt image?
  • KampfKaninchenKampfKaninchen Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2016
    @BillyYank @bleusteel At first i was thinking the same, that's a classic Paladin(Inquisitor) portrait. But then, looking closer to the eyes, i think it actually resembles more of a fallen Paladin. To my mind, there is some sadness/bitterness in them, as well as an understanding that lawfulness and supposed righteous behaviour quite often does not serve a "good cause" in the end.

    Edit: well, of course, since its your portrait, it is your call to decide which kind of character it portraits best. ;)
    But the man _i am_ seeing here, is someone who would still like to believe that obeying the law is the right thing and teaches his children in this spirit. But he also had experiences in his life, that forces him *know* otherwise.
    I see a struggling man, who would love that those values he believes in, would be actuallly the law. But he knows, they are not.
    So... Neutral good Wizard Slayer i'd say is his best match ;)
    Post edited by KampfKaninchen on
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    That's why I was thinking inquisitor. The painting has a slightly sinister cast to it, but not like blackguard evil. This looks like the guy who hunts down heresy, who must visit justice upon those who used to be on the path of righteousness but have turned their coats and become the enemy.
  • KampfKaninchenKampfKaninchen Member Posts: 139
    Oh, i do not think that there is something remotely evil or sinister in this portrait, nor in your selfie ;)

    Maybe the expression "fallen paladin" rang the wrong bell or it is simply the wrong expression. What i tried to convey is, that this person knows very well, from own experience, that just obeying some law and executing it, does not mean you are doing a *good deed* in the end.
    So, in my mind i'd actually picture him as that guy, who others of his former order believes to follow some heresy, having doubts of the righteousness of their ways.
    Not because some evil spirit got the better of him or he choose to follow the promises of some demon, but simply he experienced that what he for years believed in was, in the end, nothing more than an illusion.

    As you say, a person still strong and determined, but with the knowledge and wisdom, that his view of how to live ones live is not codified in law and that it actually can not be codified.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I see someone who's definitely lawful good, but is having none of your BS. A Sam Vimes type, if you will. But yeah, that's freaking awesome.
  • KampfKaninchenKampfKaninchen Member Posts: 139
    So, in your mind, my impression of the real Billyanks might not so be so off, rather than my impression of his baldurized alter ego? ;)

    That was one of the most thoughtful comments I've ever read on the interwebz. Indeed it was.

    +2 to your wisdom score at least ;)

    Yes, i can now see how he might fit the role you imagine him to play. It just begs the question at which point in his adventures Guilliem d'Penn does Fall from Grace and his alignment switches from "lawful good" (required by "the rules" for being Inquistor) to lawful neutral. (Note i am also quite fine with defining his alignment as lawful neutral).
    But what i can not see in this character portrait, is the real conviction any more, that he is always on the right side no matter what (and is this not something which a *real* Paladin *must* feel all the time?)
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    edited March 2016
    He is going to be awesome with Carsomyr.... 92 on first re-roll, meant to be.
  • 00zim0000zim00 Member Posts: 267
    "Save Image"

    So good :O! love it :)
  • 00zim0000zim00 Member Posts: 267
    Just a thought.. maybe after release we should make a thread where people can submit selfies and other people can have fun baldurizing them :O. For good or bad, regardless of skill :P! might be fun :)
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    edited March 2016
    That's kind of what happens in the below thread. Among other, um, things.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Congratulations, @BillyYank - the excellent selfie became even better as a portrait. Thanks a lot, @Traycor! The portrait already belongs to BG.
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    Traycor wrote: »
    Glad everyone liked the pic! Went to help a friend move and came back to lots of great comments. Decided to pick up one more but that's it.
    Congrats @bleusteel ! Enjoy!

    Looks great... BTW do you take commissions? Asking for a friend. ;)
  • TraycorTraycor Member Posts: 33
    Thels wrote: »
    That's some nice work :open_mouth:

    Planning on doing any more?

    I did the one more of @bleusteel but that's it.
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    Awesome @Traycor !!! Thank you so much. SoD releasing today and now this? It's almost more than I can handle <3:)
  • TraycorTraycor Member Posts: 33
    Dee said:

    I want to play that character right now.

    Glad you liked the pic! It was fun to make. Today's the big day!
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    At the end of a long campaign...

    PoT.jpg 341.6K
  • TraycorTraycor Member Posts: 33
    bleusteel said:

    At the end of a long campaign...

    40 levels already! That escalated quickly...
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    Traycor said:

    bleusteel said:

    At the end of a long campaign...

    40 levels already! That escalated quickly...
    Solo runs rack up crazy XP. Usually about 6 million by the end of SoA. The last 2 million come pretty quick in ToB.
  • rorikonrorikon Member Posts: 105
    That's absolutely brilliant, thanks a bunch! Now I have a hair AND a profile picture!
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