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Idiot Proof How to Download SOD

I just need to clarify (I'm starting to feel like my 95 year old uncle trying to turn down the cooker with the tv remote) exactly how to download the expansion.

Of the options available I'm assuming I ignore BG:EE and SOD and download the collectors edition. However. it preloads to 58B and stops.
So assuming it hasn't been released in the UK, a problem, or I need to download SOD (which I assume contains BG:EE based on the advice/popup the Beamdog client gave).



  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    It's released in the UK, it took me a solid 12 hours to download and install...

    I don't know what options you have, however I did the following.

    1. Installed BGEE (already done)
    2. Applied the 2.0 patch to BGEE
    3. Downloaded SoD.

    Hope you can get it working. Try clicking on the small icon to the right of the download bar and repairing install if nothing seems to work.
  • ChippyChippy Member Posts: 241
    Ok that makes sense, it's just that as I was about to start installing BG:EE yesterday, a popup appeared saying something to the effect of "Install SOD first" so I was assuming that the 3.7GB download of SOD contained BG:EE as well, and that the collectors edition tab was there because it had stuff in it.

    I'm just gonna assume that everything should be installed as you mentioned, and in logical order and the override folder takes effect.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    As far as I know the 3.7gb is just SoD.
  • ChippyChippy Member Posts: 241
    Thanks, I tried just the SOD install and it seems it's all there, Black pits, BG, and updated to V2 - I just can't find out what the collectors edition tab is for. I miss the old days where it was just game and patch.
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