Khalid - Design or Bug? *minor spoilery*

Basically, Khalid tells me to talk to 2 people in Bridgefort. I don't remember the mage's name, but if I talk to him (and the sickening stone hits), Khalid disappears.
I've reloaded and can easily replicate the issue... every.single.time. So, maybe I can just negotiate the surrender of the fort, but it seems like an entire path is lost to me.
I've reloaded and can easily replicate the issue... every.single.time. So, maybe I can just negotiate the surrender of the fort, but it seems like an entire path is lost to me.
A workaround for this is to cast the level 4 priest spell "negative plane protection" on Khalid, then quickly talking to the mage and removing the rock before the spell expires. It has a short duration though so you will have to be quick. You'll need to have the scroll from the crusader camp already before doing this to be fast enough.
Ps. Or any other way to make the story advance
You can enable the console by inserting the following into My Documents/Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')
Then when you are in-game (as in you've loaded your save) you can hit ctrl+space. You should see a black box appear on the bottom of your screen. Its there that you can type in the C:CreateCreature("khalid7") code. Make sure to only spawn Khalid when you are in the outside area of the fort.
string CreateCreature("khalid7"):1: set global effect CreateCreature not valid
I also tried with just khalid (with no 7) to see what happened, but it is the same.
By the way, I saw there is a nice "teleporter" now with the Console. Any ideas how can I use it to "scape" from this?. Can I go "forward"? What might happen?
[string " CreateCreature("khalid7")"]1: attemp to call global 'CreateCreature' (a nil value)
An alternative would be that you use
This should start the battle with Bridgefort joining in.
Perhaps there is something wrong with my console because i tried to spwan an item, just to see what happened and it told me the same.
Just to try, you told me to enable the console by putting that about "Program options" Debug... In my documents/baldurgs gate enhanced edition. The thing is that i have two files there, one .ini that starts with
And the other one .lua with
Setprivate profile setting
I copy and pasted what you told me in this second file. The .lua one
Was that correct?
What was the problem with my console? Or was I doing something wrong?
instead of:
The "C:" Is actually important. All console commands must start with that.
Note that the console supports cut/copy/paste of commands. When you're getting one from the forums, it's generally a good idea to try C/C/P first.
If you still get an issue, make sure you don't have any spaces in front of the "C:" part.