Beamdog just hit a new low

Rule N°1: If you screw up, you are getting consequences. Be sure to be able to handle those consequences, or dont screw up in first place.
If my image is not clear enough, they closed the Baldurs Gate EE forums. 10 years ago, I would have never thought that BG series would see itself into all this misery. Of course, 10 years ago, there was no Beamdog I guess.
This discussion has been closed.
Oh you sweet innocent thing.
It's not.
They're in full "damage control"
Damn, that is really bad. just going to stir up more controversy from people who dont even like/care about Bg anyway.
These fucking shitbag SJW fucktards are censoring everything they can
To cover up the massive hate of their bullshit
They're blaming GamerGate because people don't like their shitty new TransTrendy bullshit
>Not so important, but still worth a look
Maybe it's a glitch within Steam?
Also about Amber Scott's statement of "If you don't like it, deal with it."? My rebuttal is you stepped into this mess with your agenda pushing and narrative spinning, and now you're going to deal with it. You're the on that kicked a hornet's nest, and telling the hornets to "deal with it" just doesn't work. Beamdog, your best bet at this point is to fire Amber and move on. She did you guys zero favors by pushing her agenda.
In order not to risk confusing anyone, I'm closing this thread.