How did you handle the situation outside Bridgefort, and why?

I'm curious to see what peoples' thoughts are on either of the two options here. Would you consider one route evil, and the other good? Is one route better than other for strategic reasons?
- How did you handle the situation outside Bridgefort, and why?153 votes
- I crushed the invaders/beseigers76.47%
- I surrendered and moved on23.53%
On the other hand, letting Caelar's army take the fort could result in a strategic mishap, mainly, opening up your army to being flanked. I don't know if this actually happens later in the game, but RP-wise it is at least still a possible strategic blunder.
It was a hard call, but in the end I chose to surrender after destroying the supplies. Yes, they could technically flank me, but they would be poorly equipped while doing it. In addition, my character was good and I didn't want to waste the lives of my defenders and some good people in Caelar's army.
(also I may miss some with this post. I covered the QA test cases for this section of the game so I'm pretty experienced with it)
(super spoilers upcoming)
You can
- Directly attack the fort without getting help
- Attack the fort with help from the flaming fist and bridgefort (either starting from within the fort or starting from back at the flaming fist camp
- Get Bridgefort to attack the fort without securing flaming fist help
- Betray the fort and force the drawbridge down, only to then decide that you are going to use this moment to start the attack
- Say you are going to surrender, only to then decide that you are going to use this moment to attack.
- Surrender the fort and reveal your identity in the process.
- Surrender the fort and not reveal your identity.
- Betray the fort by pickpocketing the key from Mari
- Attempt to betray the fort by trying to convince Mari to drop the bridge (but not be sufficiently strong or persuasive (you will need to have gotten the quest to do this I believe). This leads to you fighting the inhabitants of bridgefort and you will need to find a way to force the drawbridge down (by getting the key for it) in order to stop their hostility.
- Convincing Mari to lower the bridge (you need to have gotten the quest to convince her).
My one complaint: if you choose to attack, you are only given the options of leading the charge with the Fists or leading the charge with the Defenders (the one you don't choose shows up after the battle begins). I would have liked an option that took advantage of my ability to infiltrate the camp - let CHARNAME start the fight from within, sabotage something, etc.
EDIT: Missed the post by @elminster
If you attack the Crusader camp from within, do the defenders/fists join the fight?
It's suggested, for example, that there's a way to free the caged trolls to cause chaos in the crusader camp, but for the life of me I couldn't find a way to do it.
As I've progressed it's not something I can check for and submit a bug report for.
If not, it seems like this was a missed opportunity to make the Bridgeport scenario a little more interactive. I went ahead and put an entry in the feature request tab, just in case.
I otherwise really loved this scenario--the plight of desperate defenders was depicted very well.
Is there justification for betraying the fort other than just "being a #$%&"? Given that you can't actually join Caelar at any point, I would find it hard to justify that path, even on an evil run. Unless you're just going for a watch-the-world-burn approach.
Do you know if there's a way to win the battle without getting the 2 points of rep at the end? doing so causes Viconia to leave me
If this the Khalid dying and vanishing bug thing, I had no choice but to attack with no troops at my back. Murderous campaigns with no provocation are not my thing, primarily, but hey-ho, it's ok.
If you mean the dueling thing, yes, I did agree to that one as well.
Even if "Swashbucker" class can hardly win that one at core rules. Dual-wielding low levels means poor THACO on both hands; being a non-fighter means poorer THACO anyway, and being a Swashbuckler means woeful backstab! This duel should be a bit class specific, IMO.
I thought ahead and had Safana lay a few well placed traps in the camp so in a way i guess i did do some infiltration and sabotage haha.
Felt more epic and was a cooler sequence than the end-game 'main' siege in my opinion, which felt a bit flat all things considered.