Best Kit for entire Saga

Hey, I'm not new here (Been lurking around the forums for quite a few years) and I want to be prepared for an entire run of all the BG games with the same character. So, what is the best Race and Class from a ROLEPLAYING perspective for the entire saga?
For evil characters, assassin or blackguard. The former isn't as combat friendly, but totally embodies the whole God of Murder thing - I'm doing an evil assassin run now and it feels more immersive than a lot of my good play throughs.
Wizard slayer would be an ideal role-playing class given the antagonists in BGII onward, but it's godawful to play.
If you mean that you're looking for a rich and coherent roleplaying experience, then you should probably play something good. Despite improvements by beamdog, playing evil is still lacking in terms of overall quantity of quests, NPCs etc.
But it will take you unto at least mid stages of BG2 to feel bad-ass. I think it is worth the wait, and love this class for my immersion.
But, say, winning the SoD single-combat duel at core I did not even try after two times ass kicked, because invisibility purging, self-healing, close and range combating tank is woefully harsh for a poor THACO, poor back-stab character whose stealth counts for little!
Compare with Dragon Age Origins or Dragon Age 2 boss fight... Taking down Loghain or Arishok (eventually) at hard having assassin/shadow rogue was glorious gaming moment for me!
I do not actually resent that fight - only it maybe should be like in Underdark tavern in BG2, or Dragon Age Origins.
If your class is not well suited - name a champion. My rogue can take on Teyrn Loghain in DA:O, at that stage, not a prob - but I do enjoy offering my mabari for the funny dialgoue! ;-)
From technocratic point of view, I'd say plain fighter, plain specialized mage against illusion, or fighter/cleric is always the "best."
But still I choose swashbuckler, because the leveling up is so much fun. And a party shall help you, when you are still bit underwhelming for a god-child... :-)
Kensai-mage is supposed to be fine, too.
You pick up some magic from gorian, but you also have the thieving and combat tendencies of your actual dad.
Also should you throw in with evil later on, no repercussions later on, unlike ranger or Paladin.
Kind of disappointed in not having any special conversation options when talking to dragons, but it did give me roleplaying options of trying to become the strongest dragon by killing every one I found.
Also disappointed DD didn't get a shape change into dragon at level 20 or something, would that be possible to mod in?
An 18 year old elf shouldn't be an adult.
I am with Purudaya on it: sorcerer (natural affinity to magic), faghter-mage (some violence correcter by swordplay with guards) or paladins\blackguards - sounds the most reasonable.
Would love to hear the answer to that question too! And - yes, DD in in my list of the "logical" Baal-spawns too.
I've always wanted to play a swashbuckler but end up picking something else - does it hold its own alongside more traditional melee characters?
Illusionist after your dad. Theif after your sister. Multiclass!
Gnome is classed the best and is the best class to play.