Chapter-specific sidequests?

I don't recall there being any sidequests that didn't let me resolve them even as I moved through the chapters, but just in case I'm gonna miss out on XP for assuming that: are there any sidequests I oughta make sure I complete before a certain point, or ones bugged where if I accept them in one chapter and move on too far they stop being able to be turned in or anything like that? I've been playing with the assumption in mind I can just go back and do things later but I figured I'd tap the board's repository of know-how in case there's something I'm forgetting...
as in the other Thread mentioned the Companions quests have to be done at certain times or they Fail mostly.
Quests i found that Have to be done or Vanish and are not Companion related would be.
-Helping or Killing the Druids at the Cloakwood cabin , if you don't do it before flooding the mine they are gone.
-On the map before the Gnoll fortress you find the Single gnoll "Ingot" who tells you a Story if you weren't at the fortress yet (you still can kill him with command or paralysis wand before he dashes off) , on the same map are some gnolls who want money, they attack right away if the fortress is cleared (cant 100% confirm that)
-Doing Timed quests in Baldurs gate , not really Chapter specific but should be done after accepted ASAP(to mind come the thief guild one or the Child in the Umberlee temple)
Timed-quests for NPCs as someone else said is important - but this is game time - and you usually have a ton of time to do them unless you are resting alot of oddly for some reason traveling long distances and not noticing that game time has progressed.
And of course some side quests if you do them later really are quiet pointless or should I say without challenge anymore. A level 1-2 party would find certain side quests somewhat challenging but a level 4 would breeze through it.
One of the fun parts about the side-quests is the possibility of solving it in several ways - some better than others and some way worse. They come up along the way during the adventure - its seems odd at least to me to complete the major quests then go back to do the side-quests when you could really do both at the same time - it feels more natural to game play to multi-task.
Indeed. I love Clairvoyance. Only way to be able to admire some of the gamemaps in their entirety. I think the only time it gives something away is on Werewolf Isle, where you see the escape boat early.