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  • TheWhitefireTheWhitefire Member Posts: 119
    @Francois "M'khiin I didn't keep around because I don't like her voice..."

    Well, look at it this way: They could have gone stereotypical whiny goblin voice for her, which would have been so much worse.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    Glint didn't do much, but i DID drop him half way through and maybe i didn't wait around long enough to see anything interesting about him. Corwin's character was super boring with her uptight follow the rules Gimmick that ended up in me disliking her. I play very chaoticly choosing good then bad whenever the desire suits me, and while i DO like the fact that she speaks up alot (which puts emphasis on her character making it more 3 dimensional) I do not like what she ends up doing towards the end. Voghlin bored me to tears, simple as that.

    This Goblin though, I loved how she wasn't evil OR good, as well as the fact that she was well written for a goblin. Add her sarcasm (which was hysterical at some points) and her simple wisdom was so worth carrying her around. She made level 2 druid spells useful AND had wonderful summons. I think her sprite should be a bit different, but overall, I give her an 8/10
  • TheWhitefireTheWhitefire Member Posts: 119
    M'khiin is the best. Also, she proved how much better Shamans are for a party than vanilla druids, cuz SPIRIT FIRE!
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    I pick Voghiln, i think he was more fun to party with... then the other three.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    Vasculio said:

    I pick Voghiln, i think he was more fun to party with... then the other three.

    "We march ahead to camp, and ale, and wine, and victory!"

    Yep, he's great fun to party with alright. That's my kinda party!

  • aleks922aleks922 Member Posts: 30
    With shteel and shpell!
  • StoibsStoibs Member Posts: 66
    Well, being that the Shaman was the big talked about new class and it's subsequently what I created as my own Character to replay through the entire franchise from the beta leading up to SoD - The goblin shaman character was right out as a consideration. Game seems to have a cap on summoned spirits also from trying it out the brief time I did recruit her; so having more than one shaman is pointless in regards to summoning anyway. (Possible bug? Surely multiple shamans should be able to summon their own permitted amount regardless of other shaman's current number of spirits in play)
    A shame too, as she seemed quite unique and someone I would have liked to see banter with.

    Mechanically-wise I didn't have a need or use for the others, and thematically it made sense for Corwin the Flaming fist officer to be accompanying me, nevermind the fact that archers are incredibly powerful.
    I liked that she didn't get overzealous with the snobby upholding of virtues like other Lawful Good Characters typically do (Mazzy, Keldorn, Adjantis..) and she actually seemed somewhat more down-to-earth throughout - oftentimes acting out in regards other characters or ideas.
  • EnvygamesEnvygames Member Posts: 57
    I picked Voghiln, maybe because i find all the others pretty boring, i reloaded a chapter where i picked up Jaheira and run arround with him for a dungeon or two, and already liked him better than Corwin i had with me for an entire run. She is strong but ultimatle as Boring as i found a character to be, ever.

    The Goblin Shaman i found just uninteresting beyound her Class/Race thing...wich imho are her only strong points...wich is never good.

    Glint was pretty annoying to me, also useless since i was playing a Thief Dualed into a Mage, and i had Viconia with me so well might be a reason. When it comes to annyoing levels he is still nowhere near the new Safana so i guess he gets another shot the next playthrough.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    I haven't played yet (my steam-powered Mac doesn't meet the specs for the game) but I've never let the fact that I haven't got a clue about the issues stop me from voting before.

    I hate the Flaming Fist so Corwin is out; I hate Glint's portrait so he's out (plus I hate gnomes so he is doubly out) and I've never met a goblin I haven't killed so M'Khiin is out (and dead).

    Voghiln wins by default.

    (All this may change when I can afford a new computer and actually get to play the game)
  • EnvygamesEnvygames Member Posts: 57
    btw is it even possible to kill M´Khiin? i know you can send her away but outright killing her?
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Envygames said:

    btw is it even possible to kill M´Khiin? i know you can send her away but outright killing her?

    An unkillable Goblin? That's something only an evil genius would create.

  • EnvygamesEnvygames Member Posts: 57

    Envygames said:

    btw is it even possible to kill M´Khiin? i know you can send her away but outright killing her?

    An unkillable Goblin? That's something only an evil genius would create.

    it would be so awesome btw if you killed M´khiin before her Szene with baelor, and her part gets taken over by Biff :D

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