Android/IPad Delays - Can we at least get v2.0?

Hey, I understand if you are having trouble getting SoD just right for the tablet/phone market, but could you at least release version 2.0? Then I can get my half-orc shaman started and play BG1EE while we wait.
Even a "we've run into more issues than we were expecting, and it could be 3+ more months" would be appreciated.
That's all I'd like. Just get some guy with a blue background to put a no-reply sticky up giving us the status on this stuff. Maybe a status bar if you want to be fancy or, hell, emotes to encapsulate the current rate of progress:
Or, if you want to make it entertaining and have a good writer that's bored, write the notes in the voices of various characters. Minsc: "My friends at Beamdog just asked me to say... hmm... what does this word mean, Boo? Oh, yes, yes. And that one? Ah, I think I understand. They are saying they have too big of an apple to fit into a tube and if they push to hard you will get nothing but applesauce. What I do not understand is why they do not use a sword to cut the apple up and push the pieces down the tube. See, Boo? A good sword solves all problems. Okay, Boo, okay. Most problems, then.""