M'khiin console code

After I rescued M'khiin, I didn't ask her to join the party. When the camp moved along on our advance toward Dragonspear, she didn't follow along. Now that I've found a few shaman-specific items, I'd like to recruit her. Can anyone tell me the code to summon her to my side? Thanks!
After I rescued M'khiin, I didn't ask her to join the party. When the camp moved along on our advance toward Dragonspear, she didn't follow along. Now that I've found a few shaman-specific items, I'd like to recruit her. Can anyone tell me the code to summon her to my side? Thanks!
If that's not it, drop the last "n".
I believe that's it. That said, so long as you told M'Khin to go back to camp you should be able to access her at any camp in the game as you move forward. If she's not at a specific camp but was at a prior camp, that's probably a bug.
What chapter, what camp?
I swear, Goblins these days...you turn one eye from them and they go out for beer and sandwiches.
I mean Voghiln? Sure, I believe that of him, after all...BEER! Right? But M'Khin? I expect her to be a bit more responsible...
C:CreateCreature("bdmkhi7") is the console code. Just had to use it myself.