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Script Help: SetWeather with BG 2 engine

Greetings :)

I'm new in the forum and the community: I hope to not being doing thng out of place n.n

What I'm willing to ask for your help is if it's possible to create a scritp for changing the in-game weather. Time ago, I loved that cheat code at BG1 that let SetWehather(); as fas as I know, this is not available with the BG 2 engine (I'm playing GB Trilogy btw).

Time ago, I read a this thread ( ), how to do a simple script for changing the reputation; so, my issue is: is it possible to do such a thing with the weather? It would be pretty sad that you cannot manipulate weather as in GB1, but I'm giving my hope to this forum :)

Thanks a lot in advanced. I hope you could give me a hand; regards,


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    edited August 2016
    The Enhanced Edition games allow you to enter script commands directly into the debug console. To change weather you can enter the following:
    You can use the following parameters for Weather():

    FOG works too since game patch v2.0. The weather change uses a period of transition, so you'll have to wait a few seconds to see any effect.
  • ShintaShinta Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2016
    Sounds amazing! I'll do the try when I reach home at evening, and will give you feedback of how it worked.
    Thanks a lot for the quick, gentle and detailed responce.

    Best wishes :)
  • ShintaShinta Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2016


    Sadly, I've not been able to make it work :( ; here I'm attaching two tried I did, with no result.

    Could you please help me in what I'm doing wrong?
    Thanks again for the gentle interest and help.

    Regards :)
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Hmm… This looks neat. Is it possible to turn off the new fog effect entirely, without turning the rest of the weather effects off?
  • ShintaShinta Member Posts: 5

    Hmm… This looks neat. Is it possible to turn off the new fog effect entirely, without turning the rest of the weather effects off?

    Greetings Ravenslight :)

    Amm.. I dunno how to do such a test :blush: ? would it be something like the image attached?

  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    I’m sorry @Shinta I wasn’t being clear. :)

    I know that weather can be turned off. I was wondering if @argent77 knew of a way to use the code to turn off just the new fog effect for the game, while leaving the other effects turned on.

    I was able to change the weather to rain in game, using the console and the code he provided. I’m not sure why it didn’t work for you. Though my test was on version 1.3 of the game, not the latest patch.

    By the way, welcome to the forum! :)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    @Shinta It looks like you're using the original games. The above-mentioned command only works with the Enhanced Editions. For the originals there is probably a way, but you have to look for a solution elsewhere.

    @Ravenslight Each area has a fog probability. Setting it to 0 should get rid of the fog entirely. You can automate the process by turning the following code into a mod:
    COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.are$~ ~override~ WRITE_SHORT 0x4e 0 // fog probability = 0 BUT_ONLY
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Thank you @argent77 ! Very much appreciated.
  • ShintaShinta Member Posts: 5
    @Ravenslight Thanks a lot for the warm and gentle welcome: nice to meet you as well :)

    @argent77 Thanks for the detailed help; I'll look forward for and answer. Yet, I hope that this inquiry might help others looking for the same issue but in the EE's.

    Best regards... later :)
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,447
    Perhaps @CamDawg could consider incorporating that into Tweaks Anthology?
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Good idea, but I think that it should be a player option in the game as well. Some are finding this new addition an unwelcome distraction. Not everyone uses mods.
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