Or you can just find some commoner far away from the crowd and kill them. There are any number of places that you can pick off someone on the sly. Or simply break into someone's house and kill them. Have Dorn do it. It will make him very happy.
http://www.mud-master.com/shadowkeeper/ < ---- Is hurr. There's a particualrly delicious reputation management...tool...at an inn, in southwestern Baldur's Gate. If your reputation is too high and your evil party members just. Won't. Shut. Up. about it, give that inn a visit! Sure, somebody will warn you about him, but eh.
http://www.mud-master.com/shadowkeeper/ < ---- Is hurr. There's a particualrly delicious reputation management...tool...at an inn, in southwestern Baldur's Gate. If your reputation is too high and your evil party members just. Won't. Shut. Up. about it, give that inn a visit! Sure, somebody will warn you about him, but eh.
It says it is unable to locate the SoA exe file....is this the correct link for the BGEE and not the original BG1?
Here is a debug script you can extract and put in your scripts folder to lower or raise rep by one with each press of a key. Assign to your character under Customize button. To raise Rep, press S. To lower Rep, press D. When you are finished, remember to unassign the script via the customize/scripts buttons.
IF HotKey(D) THEN RESPONSE #100 ReputationInc(-1) END
IF HotKey(S) THEN RESPONSE #100 ReputationInc(1) END
There's a particualrly delicious reputation management...tool...at an inn, in southwestern Baldur's Gate. If your reputation is too high and your evil party members just. Won't. Shut. Up. about it, give that inn a visit! Sure, somebody will warn you about him, but eh.
Here is a debug script you can extract and put in your scripts folder to lower or raise rep by one with each press of a key. Assign to your character under Customize button. To raise Rep, press S. To lower Rep, press D. When you are finished, remember to unassign the script via the customize/scripts buttons. enjoy!
However, if you still need an editor of savegames for BGEE for other reasons, you should use EEkeeper instead of Shadowkeeper.
Didn't see that someone already mentioned this