I think I broke avengers wizard slayer revisions with the refinements HLA mod

every other fighter kit gets HLAs except for the wizard slayer. They seem to be incompatible. I don't want to start a new game. how can I fix this? I use BWP set up tool, but I checked the weidu log, and it seems to have ordered the HLAs after refinements and the kit before like the compatibility notes said.
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My load order only rather loosely follows aVENGERS suggestions by the way. It does put WSR class first, and refinements between WSR HLAs and the rest of it. But there are other things between WSR HLA and the class with refinements. The compatibility notes didn't say I could do that. Between refinements and WSR HLA I have SCS, jim fix and NPC strongholds. Between refinements and the WSR class I have all sorts of thing like CDtweaks, might and guile, tome and blood. I'd post my weidu log entirely, but it probably exceeds the character limit. BWS might be good, but my weidu log is exactly 4627 words long.