looking for anything that makes the detect traps and detect illusion skills more valuable

Detect illusion isn't effective because nothing in the game is immune to divination.
Traps, I already know where they're located, and I remember that I can easily endure most of them so long as I don't get careless with mirror images and antidotes.
Traps, I already know where they're located, and I remember that I can easily endure most of them so long as I don't get careless with mirror images and antidotes.
and with a low HP party member, like low level viky, that can not use PI he can not survive.
Not detecting and disarming traps you also loose some XP, but you can live without it.
In a vanilla game nothing is immune to divination, modded is a different thing as in some mods spell immunity divination is used. And you can not target someone that is protected by improved invisibility and that spell immunity. In such cases glitterdust or detect illusions from a thief is your only chance. But I agree, in vanilla is not an issue. Still having a thief capable to detect illusions frees slots in your mages spellbook and let your mages do other things. And a mage casting true sight can be disrupted, the thief with enough points in that ability will never fail.
you can live without both, but this does not mean that they are not useful. Maybe they can not be the priority of your thief, but if you don't plan a dual from thief at low level is wise to take points in those abilities.
It's the second more OP ability of the Thief (right behind Set Traps).
I'm running a Thief -> Wizard Slayer with 100% in Detect Illusion and the game was never easier.
Improved Invisibility, Shadow Door, Mislead, all gone in 6 seconds. You make the opponent lose two actions (the illusion to be dispelled and his next spell that will be disrupted for a hit).
The only problem with DI is the AoE in my opinion.
Can't see how this could be more useful.
Not sure what your definition of "valuable" is but to the practical person something that allows us to get levle 5/6/7+ spells faster, get inactive levels working again or get high level NPCs to spawn earlier counts as something -very- valuable, not counting methods which are (for all intents and purposes) exploits (re-scribing spells).
But I still think that DI is very useful.