[SoD] how to turn off the smoke machine in lich's lair

This new smoke effect that Beamdog rolled out in SoD is pretty cool in some maps, it really makes them feel like a pitched battle is taking place when smoke crosses the screen. Unfortunately, I'm getting too much smoke on the dwarven lich map. Look at this.

We might disagree on what's artistic or not, but that's hard to see. Is this supposed to be the "cool mists rising from a dank crypt" VFX? If it is, it needs to be turned down. Looking at the area map, I even found the smoke machine's source.

So is this a bug, or working as intended?

We might disagree on what's artistic or not, but that's hard to see. Is this supposed to be the "cool mists rising from a dank crypt" VFX? If it is, it needs to be turned down. Looking at the area map, I even found the smoke machine's source.

So is this a bug, or working as intended?
Sorry, not sure how to fix it. Have you tried enabling alternate renderer, or disabling weather? Shots in the dark...
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Enable Fog','0')