Stats and inventory for important NPCS.

What is the stats of the Grand Dukes and other important npcs like Alatos Ravenscar and Berun Ghastkill. In vanilla Alatos stats was a joke, so i wonder if they've fixed it in the Enhanced edition?
Grand Duke Belt is 17/12/16/12/15/15.
Grand Duke Liia Jannath is 10/15/11/17/12/15.
Berrun Ghastkill is 17/17/14/10/14/8.
12/18/12/16/10/15 maybe, also give him a leather armor +2 and a shortsword of backstabbing a ring of invisibilty and a pair of boots of stealth, than he would be fit to be shadow thief leader.
As for your suggestions for Alatos's equipment ...
You can find that +3 shortsword in time for the end-game, but it'd be over-powered to find a second copy, and especially on a character whom you meet when you're still in mid-game. You can legitimately buy an invisibility ring by that stage, but it's deliberately expensive and shouldn't be duplicated for free. The Leather +2 and third copy of the Boots of Stealth, yes, perhaps those wouldn't be making it too easy, but give him a more ordinary weapon (and ring) to go with them, not special uniques.
But the rest of your revised suggestions, sure, no argument.