Android version bg2ee anytime?

I was wondering if bg2ee Android version was still maintained and if yes, if à release of a 2.3 or 2.4 was planed anytime soon???
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However, please do other users the courtesy of reading the forum to find the information you seek when it's readily available, instead of starting new threads to repeat the same questions already addressed in many previous threads.
But hey having transgendered characters in an expansion is for more important than patching games for the platforms they release on.
I've been playing BG/BG2 since 1999/2000 in all flavours and so many times, and find nothing particularly wrong with the android 1.3 version? May be i've not run into the problems you found?
Please tell me where it says version 2.0 and the update happened on 2016.
The only misinformation is claiming beamdog are top developers.
Just shoddy practice by shoddy beamdog.
It's amazing how the beamdog defense police spring to action when u criticise the poor support they offer people who spent hard earned money on the product they release.
That's my main issue.