Didn't know that SoD used the same quick-save slots as BG:EE until too late...

Sorry, this is a bit of a rant post. I kinda knew that SoD was an expansion of BG:EE, but I just had an object lesson in this today. </3
I was about half way through my first play-through of SoD. I bought it expecting the flavor of the other two games, but with new content, and considering that, I've been pretty satisfied. I had gotten to...
the part where you're exploring the underground caverns, where you have to set the barrel of bwoosh to cut off the supply lines for Dragonspear castle.
I was starting to think of what kind of character I wanted to play for my second run-through, so I went back into Baldur's Gate, using the BG:EE launcher (SoD I always access through the SoD launcher), and I was experimenting with different builds, and...I used up all my quick-save slots in the process. I know in BG:EE you need to make a perma-save to prevent from losing your progress in the main game, but I didn't realize that SoD used the same pool of quick save slots that BG:EE uses. </3 BG2:EE doesn't use the same quick-save slots as BG:EE; I thought SoD would be the same. </3 </3 </3
So, I've erased all my quick-save slots on my main run-through of SoD to be replaced with an experimental character trial run in BG:EE, and since I didn't realize that would be a possibility, I don't have any perma-saves banked. The best I could do is refer back to the end-of-game save of my main run-through that I still have, but that'd require me to replay a few chapters of SoD using my same old character (that I really like, don't get me wrong, but his Paladin playstyle was starting to get a bit stale lol).
Ehh, I'll probably roll a new character to run through SoD with, and then restart the Paladin run-through again after, but I just needed a moment to mourn all the progress I'd lost on my first run-through. </3
Okay, rant over now, back to playing. ~
I was about half way through my first play-through of SoD. I bought it expecting the flavor of the other two games, but with new content, and considering that, I've been pretty satisfied. I had gotten to...
the part where you're exploring the underground caverns, where you have to set the barrel of bwoosh to cut off the supply lines for Dragonspear castle.
I was starting to think of what kind of character I wanted to play for my second run-through, so I went back into Baldur's Gate, using the BG:EE launcher (SoD I always access through the SoD launcher), and I was experimenting with different builds, and...I used up all my quick-save slots in the process. I know in BG:EE you need to make a perma-save to prevent from losing your progress in the main game, but I didn't realize that SoD used the same pool of quick save slots that BG:EE uses. </3 BG2:EE doesn't use the same quick-save slots as BG:EE; I thought SoD would be the same. </3 </3 </3
So, I've erased all my quick-save slots on my main run-through of SoD to be replaced with an experimental character trial run in BG:EE, and since I didn't realize that would be a possibility, I don't have any perma-saves banked. The best I could do is refer back to the end-of-game save of my main run-through that I still have, but that'd require me to replay a few chapters of SoD using my same old character (that I really like, don't get me wrong, but his Paladin playstyle was starting to get a bit stale lol).
Ehh, I'll probably roll a new character to run through SoD with, and then restart the Paladin run-through again after, but I just needed a moment to mourn all the progress I'd lost on my first run-through. </3
Okay, rant over now, back to playing. ~
EDIT: I just double checked my saves, and I have some chapter start saves from BG:EE, but none were made in SoD. Not sure if that was a bug or something, but the most recent save I have from my paladin run-through is the end of game save from BG:EE.
It doesn't.
Make sure when you are playing the game that you are looking in the right spot. You can click the Siege of Dragonspear logo from the main menu (or the Bhaal symbol logo depending on the circumstance) to switch between the BGEE and SoD screens.
As @elminster writes, the quick saves for SoD and BGEE are different. To be able to see your SoD quicksaves, choose the SoD icon on the main screen of the game - right now you're playing BGEE and can't see SoD save files.
Today, I made a test build of another character in BG:EE. I played this character for about an hour, quick-saving as I went along. I have a chapter save for that build from that.
When I opened Seige of Dragonspear and hit "continue", it started me out on my test build, still in BG:EE. When I backed out of that screen and went to the "load game" screen to look for my main game, all the saves for that game were gone. I have included screenshots of my "load game" options to show.
Azura = Name of test build
Roy = Name of main run-through
EDIT: If I'm making an obvious mistake, please let me know how to get to my SoD game saves, because I'm pretty heart-broken for having lost all my progress.
I didn't realize that you could play BG:EE through the SoD interface. Or that the buttons in the bottom corner could switch between games. They are not obviously labelled, and this is an interface difference from BG2, where the game is loaded by a separate launcher and is separate. I've legit been thinking of each launcher as the main interface into each individual game, and I hadn't used the SoD launcher to play BG:EE before (I'm still new to this game lol).
I understand how to use it properly now. Having text underneath the logos of each game saying (Baldur's Gate mode, Black Pits mode, and Dragonspear mode) as a future UI update would be helpful.
Oh well. Back to playing I guess.
Though, with all fairness, some players of BG2EE are also confused by its main menu and don't even know where to start.