Good cheese infinite XP farm location?

Hi guys,
I've recently got the EE editions and sill haven't reached BG2.
But I'm trying to theory craft my character. My goal is strong solo-able wild mage(maybe even with SCS). I'm already soloing BG1 on insanity(durlag cleared). So i want to have a plan for fast infinite xp as soon as i hit BG2, in case "sh*t gets real, i need more levels".
I've found in bg1 that such location is the light house and its Sirines after resting - lay skull traps in a circle, wait rapidly to get a spawn of 20-30 sirines, they die instantly from the skull traps, repeat. And that method is extremely fast for bg1(level 1-9 in around 30 minutes, counting that level 5 is required for skull traps).
Is there such equivaent in SoA? Especialy at early levels?
I've recently got the EE editions and sill haven't reached BG2.
But I'm trying to theory craft my character. My goal is strong solo-able wild mage(maybe even with SCS). I'm already soloing BG1 on insanity(durlag cleared). So i want to have a plan for fast infinite xp as soon as i hit BG2, in case "sh*t gets real, i need more levels".
I've found in bg1 that such location is the light house and its Sirines after resting - lay skull traps in a circle, wait rapidly to get a spawn of 20-30 sirines, they die instantly from the skull traps, repeat. And that method is extremely fast for bg1(level 1-9 in around 30 minutes, counting that level 5 is required for skull traps).
Is there such equivaent in SoA? Especialy at early levels?
Alternatively you can farm Athkatla city guards, which also drop decent armor to sell for gold. However this may be quite the reputation hit (not that you cannot donate your way back into good graces).
Generally, though, if you just want to theorycraft I would recommend simple editing in the XP (via debug console or EEKeeper). Same result, but much less work. Also BG2 has a lot more exp around in the first place, so reaching high levels solo is almost trivial. If you are ambitious, you'll reach the ToB exp cap well before finishing SoA.
In any case - the resting trick still works, essentially. I'm not sure there's really a "best" place to do it. I probably would have argued for Windspear Hills myself.
In TOB, you can hit Fire Giants off screen at one point. That way doesnt even require resting, IIRC.
2nd edit: My solo assassin/mage has just entered the Underdark at level 2/23.
1) From roleplay perspective. Farming XP is, even tho a form of exploit in SP games, also a way of role play.
I mean, if you're a making a magical trap master and there is this valley that has 100'000 demons(which in the game there cant be more than 20 or the game will crash, so they simply respawn). Woudn't you go there and train your trap skills? Discovering projected image to place more traps at different locations, learn contingency to handle an ambush from the demons. When you become a master and can't learn anything more from killing demons(max lv) just go around the world. Thats just one example.
2) From gameplay perspective. Usually if XP farming is allowed, that means that there is a difficulty spike accessible somewhere in the game. In Bg 1, at lv 1 you can farm XP, but also go to Durlag's Tower - which is considered one of the hardest parts of the game to solo. I'm new to BG series, but Durlag was one of my first stops(before chapter 2). XP farm keept the challenge in control.
In short, yes its an efficient to know if such place exists if i want to use it. And i said it in my original comment, i only use such places in case i need them, just to ease the "cutting my veins" pain of killing 35xp goblins of the main story for the next 4 hours until i get to the good XP-gaining chapters.
Still this contributes to nothing for this discussion. I just wanted some places that good XP farm was possible.
-The hendak/slavers quest in the Copper coronet provides you with plenty of xp.
- the thief stronghold quest
- trademeet /druid stronghold quests
- kanghaxx and his two lich friends / the city gates lich
- all aran linvail's quests except bodhi.
The quests above are ridiculously easy for a solo character and you'll be able to reach levels 16+ before fighting tougher enemies such as beholders and dragons.
That said if you REALLY want to get some levels via killing Spawned mobs then the easiest place i found, that is accessible fairly early on, is the Southern Crypts under the Graveyard district. You'll probably want immunity to level drain to clear them out as the 1st room has a couple of Wights and a Fledgling Vampire, and the corridor leading out of it has a pack of Shadows, Wraiths and Shadow Fiends. Once you have cleared the traps and mobs from the area if you rest there's a high chance you will get a couple of Mummies or Ghasts appearing, pretty easy to kill and with some save-scumming you can kill a lot of them.
You can get some free/easy extra XP from doing Edwin and Korgan's quests since they both involve that area. If you have no immunity to level drain then you may want to drag Korgan in for his quest and abuse his Rage to tank the Vamp, wights and wraiths, can then finish off his quest, dismiss him and go back in to rest-abuse the heck out of it.