I want to make a mod that sets a game global time limit

I always found the fact of not having a time limit very unchallenging and unrealistic. Even more considering one can abuse of spam resting. This is why I wanted to impose a time limit on the game so you would get a game over if the game is not finished before that time limit. I think Prince of Persia got it right by implementing that feature.
Any help on how could I tweak the game data to make this happen in NEARINFINITY?
Any help on how could I tweak the game data to make this happen in NEARINFINITY?
Post edited by Earnest_ernest on
Might soon make a mod for anyone to download it
4500/Hour (ingame, not real)
108000/Day (ingame, not real)
39420000/Year (ingame, not real)
EDIT: ah wait. This is continually setting the global variable to the same value for every tick in the game?
It only sets the timer once, "!GloberTimerNotExpired" is a double negative, it triggers if the timer isn't set, or if its expired,
You could just as well use Global("GMTIMER","GLOBAL",0) for the second trigger, I was just lazy with a copy/paste.
The timer is set to an exact gametime, independent of when it is set, so it will work on existing games as well as new ones.
That also means if you load an existing game that has gone past that gametime, it will GameOver immediately.
<div class="Quote">Note that if we use !GlobalTimerNotExpired(S:Name*,S:Area*) this will return true if the timer <b class="Bold">has never been set</b> OR if it has already expired</div>
Anyway, there is no need to answer to this if you dont want, since the solution is already served
But if you want to know, Both "!GlobalTimerNotExpired(S:Name*,S:Area*) " and GlobalTimerExpired say that they will return true if the timer has not been set. That puzzles me since one is just the opposite of the other, so why not use globaltimerexpired; still it wouldn't make sense since you are using it on the first trigger, so using it again in the second trigger to evaluate if the timer has not been set doesnt seem logical, but don't know why exactly.