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Unseeing eye quest refused by Viconia

Gonzo100100Gonzo100100 Member Posts: 30
I don’t know if any mod I’m using made that but I’m wondering about a certain thing…
I was about to do the unseeing eye quest and I was approached by the priest of Talos regarding that but actually he approached Viconia but she refiused him and now I have a note in the journal that maybe other temple would be more likely to offer a reward to investigate the cult. Do you know what temple should I go to? (I went to Helm's and Lathander's but they don't talk about the quest as I was approached by the priest of Talos) I do roleplay an evil, self-centered character and I don’t want to investigate just ‘because’…


  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Sounds like NPC Strongholds.

    Go pick up anomen then see if the temple of helm will give the quest.

    Failing that, pick up Anomen then spawn High Watcher Oisig outside in the temple district using the console, should get things started.
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