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What's Dorn like in SoD??

DhariusDharius Member Posts: 665
Has anyone used Dorn yet (I haven't)? He's brilliant in BGEE and his quests aren't too evil, but in BG2EE he goes nuts quest-wise... :)

So what's he like in SoD as a party member and are his quests "socially acceptable"?



  • BigfishBigfish Member Posts: 367
    Seemed to me like he was mostly there because Beamdog was able to slap him in. I don't recall him having any unique quests or interesting interactions with anyone, but I didn't romance him either.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    I recall him mentioning something about needing to assassinate some Crusader at the camp you find him in. I wouldn't know though, I didn't keep him around for when I assaulted the camp. My Shadowdancer handled it himself.
  • islandkingislandking Member Posts: 426
    A little disappointment for Dorn in SoD... I like the BG Dorn, who's better portraited, still missed his "Tryyy to keep up!" in BG, the same line in SoD lame, and for some reason Dorn's lines in SoD are few.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    Dorn in SoD talks to the other NPCs as you're walking around alot. He actually really respects M'khiin. He generally dislikes others. He isn't as... bloodthirsty (relatively speaking) in this portion, more than willing to travel with you just to kill as many crusaders as possible... for revenge I suppose. He was also somewhat more... protective of the PC, which was shown in a couple dialogues, although i think that's because it was assumed that he traveled with you for a time during the Iron Crisis.

    All in all he seems more tame in this incarnation of himself, but i think that's because he's kind of wandering a bit more than he was in the previous game, where he had more of a purpose an air of mystery.
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