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Party gets stuck when leaving an area *no action*

SedSed Member Posts: 790
edited November 2012 in Fixed
Current behavior: A lot of times when you try to leave a house or indoor area with a cramped exit, your party might actually block the path at the exit as all the characters are trying to reach the same point (and it seems there is only a small trigger point for leaving a certain areas). Feels rather ridiculus you can't leave an area because all your characters are camping in the door...

Expected behavior: Make sure you can easily leave the areas when the whole party is group hugging in doorways.
Post edited by Balquo on


  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    This problem gets alot worse in multiplayer.
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    This is likely a pathfinding fix... Not sure how it would be resolved in multiplayer issues.
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    @Bhryaen so who can/should fix it?
    Do a little magic namedropping! :-D
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    Is this an actual problem in the BG2 engine since you can push each other around when they are blocking?
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    Good question.. tbh I don't remember, but I do know it's in BG1 and IWD.
  • GriegGrieg Member Posts: 507
    There was always difficult to get to for example Cromwell's house, and all other narrow corridors that lead to the exit. I remember that was an issue rather rare in BG2, and not really annoying but still present.
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    @Balquo - no, I think it may have been fixed in the BG2 engine. I notice it a lot more in BG1 (even with your pathing fixes) and it really is annoying.
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    Yeah, in BG1 it can be very annoying. Well my "pathing" fixes were more container accessibility issues so it is unlikely that it would improve anything else :D
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    Yeah I figured that. It is possible search map edits can fix some of the more glaring issues (not being able to get around your own party) but that can only go so far.
  • KhamillKhamill Member Posts: 226
    edited September 2012
    Yeah, noticed that too. Hope it will be fixed, so the conclusion is...
    Never leave the party when the door are obstruct:)
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    I'm putting this as non issue due to the BG2 engine being used.
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