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The shortest battle ever with a dragon?

"We laid traps. We summoned fodder. We buffed. We positioned ourselves strategically. We started simultaneous spell casting and our ranged attacks. Then Astafas punched the mighty red dragon once - on his behind, mark me well - and it was over before it even started. What a day."

Haer'Dalis, adventuring bard and first hand witness



  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    Mush_Mush said:

    Shapechange, Improved Haste, Timestop, Mind Flayer change = Death in first round of combat

    Always a classic.

    ...not quite as humiliating as death by butt punch though has to be said.

    Neera only has access to level 7 spells at this stage, but I sure am looking forward to exploring this humiliation-of-evil-dragons business further! :-D
  • fatelessfateless Member Posts: 330
    is it bad that I always found the shadow dragon harder than firkraag?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    fateless said:

    is it bad that I always found the shadow dragon harder than firkraag?

    Even the SoD dragon is more challenging than Firkraag.
  • BorekBorek Member Posts: 513
    I tend to have the most trouble with the Silver Dragon, casting healing spells means you have to do overwhelming damage extremely fast. I don't like using save or die attacks but obviously they can be extremely effective as seen hehe.

    Harm + whack with a weapon is quite amusing, but my favourite is Improved Alacrity and unloading the various sequencer type spells with lower resistance, Luck, Greater Mallison and a barrage of Skull Traps, need to be 18+ level Mage for that though. Bit higher level and you can chuck in a Timestop for effectively an instant kill. At super high levels Sequencer 2 lower resists and a Greater mallison then Chain contingency ADHW's, that'll blap the vast majority of the big bads in the game.

    I do agree the Shadow Dragon is more challenging though, partly because you usually meet it earlier and mostly because the breath weapon has level drain and Blind effects.

    Of course multiple Thief traps is deadly, but again i prefer not to use them as it's largely the fact you can lay them when the Dragons are not hostile that allows the ease.

    I usually play solo so tend to have 1 massively OP Bhaalspawn with extremely high level/s by the time i'm facing off Vs dragons, so the use of high level spells is on the table.
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    fateless said:

    is it bad that I always found the shadow dragon harder than firkraag?

    I agree with you. Firkraag is all about raw damage, and fire damage at that, for which you have plenty of options when it comes to building resistance. Thaxll'ssillyia on the other hand has a nasty level drain effect on her breath and due to the AoE you won't necessarily have enough immunities to protect your whole party. The area is also smaller, making it harder to occupy her attention with a super tank.

    In a solo situation I find both equally hard or equally easy depending if I fight them before or after Spellhold.
  • fatelessfateless Member Posts: 330
    The green dragon didn't seem that hard once I knew what to expect. The hardest part about it was the level that you face it at. But it seems like maybe it was scaled back because of that as well.

    Silver dragon is definitely the hardest in my experience but I get the feeling that is partly because it's the one dragon that you can fight but I'm not sure your meant to. It also uses a few more tricks than the other dragons such as healing as was mentioned above but it still doesn't use all the tricks a silver dragon could have used in Second Edition. Metallic dragons were always more powerful than the chromatics mechanically.
  • Joan_DaroJoan_Daro Member Posts: 112
    Shortest battle: the twin silver dragon in Dorn's TOB quest
    Perhaps that's because you already have basically everything needed by the time you meet them.
    Or, basically any dragon battle after you have a mage with ROV & HLAs.
    I've never tried to engage them in some real fight, though. Basically when I'm in TOB I'm already too lazy to take any fight seriously.
    Borek said:

    Improved Alacrity and unloading the various sequencer type spells with lower resistance, Luck, Greater Mallison and a barrage of Skull Traps

    yes and you can dump a project image to do it all
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    I don't have screenshots, but I killed Brimstone (fire dragon from Ascension) in about 10 seconds. Greater Whirlwind, the best type of wind.
  • outofdaboxoutofdabox Member Posts: 18
    I don't know if it counts, for me the easiest and fast dragon fight by far is the black dragon in Suldanesselar. Twice have I have killed him quite fast, once with a flesh to stone spell by Imoen and once with a vorpal hit with the silver sword. I assume that this dragon is easy because it is the only necessary dragon fight in the game, or I am just extremely lucky.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    @outofdabox one reason the Suldanessalar dragon is relatively simple is that it was statted for a party with an xp cap below 3 million, so no HLAs. I find it quite unusual to be such a low level at that part of the game now, though I don't know if they revised any content when Watcher's Keep was added (along with moving the level cap to irrelevance).
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    "'Your existence ends here, mortal!', the vampire Lassal shouted. Oh man, did he get that situation backwards... It was actually the last thing he ever shouted, as I was assigned the wooden stakes handling on this fine day."

    Haer'Dalis, vampire hunter (Hexxat excluded)

  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    I can almost guarantee that I have you all beat in this. I once fought the nameless green dragon in Watcher's keep with a monk in vBG2. The battle went like this:

    Monk- Quivering Palm
    Monk- Attacks Dragon
    Dragon- Death
  • ShikaoShikao Member Posts: 376
    Tresset said:

    I can almost guarantee that I have you all beat in this. I once fought the nameless green dragon in Watcher's keep with a monk in vBG2. The battle went like this:

    Monk- Quivering Palm
    Monk- Attacks Dragon
    Dragon- Death

    You know, it's Internet - pic or didn't happen =P
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    Once upon a time there was an evil dragon with a valuable hoard and 64,000 XP...

    Charname: Time to die, sulphor breath!

    Firkraag: It is, as they say, your funeral!

    Spike Traps: Snap! Snap! Snapsnap!

    The End
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2017

    Once upon a time there was an evil dragon with a valuable hoard and 64,000 XP...

    Charname: Time to die, sulphor breath!

    Firkraag: It is, as they say, your funeral!

    Spike Traps: Snap! Snap! Snapsnap!

    The End

    My traps didn't even have time to go off (Firkraag died with the first punch before turning hostile). :-D But if you have no monk, traps is the way to go!
  • luskanluskan Member Posts: 269
    Before my sorc had HLAs, she did in Firkraag with a Spell Trigger with 3x Lower Resistance, and a Spell Sequencer with 3x Skull Trap.

    It was over so quick I did it again only with Greater Malison and Chromatic Orb in the sequencer just to see if I could.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    I managed to one shot Firkraag with a chromatic orb, once, in a multiplayer game.. It was rather amusing. But the loot disappeared too so we ended up reloading.
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    Elendar said:

    I managed to one shot Firkraag with a chromatic orb, once, in a multiplayer game.. It was rather amusing. But the loot disappeared too so we ended up reloading.

    If he was petrified, I think you could also cast Stone-to-Flesh to revive him. He will come back with just one HP, so you can then re-oneshot him with magic missile or a slingshot, or whatever.
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    I also had a five-second fight with Nizidramanii'yt once - Minsc took him out with a vorpal hit with the Silver Sword +3. I hadn't even planned it. It took me considerably longer to stop laughing!
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    Apart from trap cheese or getting astonishingly lucky with a save or die, I got a clean, by the numbers win this way:

    1. Use golem manual to summon Flesh Golem.
    2. Have Tashia cast Improved Haste on Archer PC.
    3. Tashia casts Lower Resistance on Firkraag.
    4. Archer attacks with Called Shot, lowering his saves.
    5. Tashia casts Finger of Death, Firkraag dies.

    Only took about two rounds of fighting, but the odds were tipped in my favor by the debuffs, so it wasn't just lucky dice.
  • darkmoon500darkmoon500 Member Posts: 25
    I dunno what big deal with Haer'Dalis is, in my opinion he's worse then valygar or cernd, as soon as I made it to ToB with my evil party we killed Haer'Dalis and recruited sarevok, much better
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448

    I dunno what big deal with Haer'Dalis is, in my opinion he's worse then valygar or cernd, as soon as I made it to ToB with my evil party we killed Haer'Dalis and recruited sarevok, much better

    I don't believe there is "a big deal" with him? Blades are a very strong and versatile class, if you know how to play them, though. H'D has good stats, elf bonuses and an extra pip in short swords. Plus blue hair, that should also count for something! :-D
  • ChnapyChnapy Member Posts: 360
    Poor Sarevok, can't catch a break with all that discrimation from hair people.
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