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TheNPCTheNPC Member Posts: 57
Do you have to catch them all in one go? I believe I caught them all. I delivered six in one return and then two in the next but there is no option to say i've gotten all eight. Any clues or help?

Also, where is wilson the awesome bear?


  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    You don't have to catch them all at once, and if you've found them all, he should thank you. If you're still getting the cat food option, check how many cats you've found with C:GetGlobal("ohn_found_cats","oh6100").
  • TheNPCTheNPC Member Posts: 57
    Thanks. How does one check a global? That's something i've never looked into.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    Press Ctrl+Space to activate the console and type that in. You might have to activate debug mode first by opening baldur.ini and making sure the "Debug Mode" line is set to 1 instead of 0.
  • AlexTAlexT Member Posts: 760
    Note that cats may randomly attempt to escape from your pack while you're traveling around the map.

    Meaning even if you caught all 8 at some point, a few might have escaped on your way back to the hidden refuge.
  • limalama45limalama45 Member Posts: 32
    This quest had a love-hate relationship with me lol
  • cognoscentuscognoscentus Member Posts: 65
    Yay! A cat herding quest in which previously herded cats may randomly disappear!

    /sarc off

    Seriously guys, I've loved your work up to this point, but this may be the worst quest ever. The only good thing I can say about it is that the quest reward is as bad as the quest.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    If you don't like the quest, then don't do it.

    I have yet to see if the quest reward does anything other than than sit in your backpack taking inventory space. Though the journal does mention I can return it to the dingbat, so maybe I'll have to see if I get something else when I do that. :P
  • selkyraselkyra Member Posts: 54
    I am BHAAL-SPAWN! Feel my wrath as you die by my blade! ... I also catch cats.
  • cognoscentuscognoscentus Member Posts: 65
    Thank you for your sage advice Elendar. Following that wisdom, if you don't like a post, then don't respond to it...
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    But I did like the post. I just disagree with it. :P
  • TheElfTheElf Member Posts: 798
    I didn't bother finding his cats.
    Poor guy killed himself later. :(

  • mewp12mewp12 Member Posts: 61
    Where are they? I can't find one of them. How do I use this cat food.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    mewp12 said:

    Where are they? I can't find one of them. How do I use this cat food.

    Put it in a quick item slot and use it the same way you would a potion, wand, etc., but only after you've found a cat. They can take some time to find, but you will find all eight just by wandering around the wild forest map.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • DravenGal91DravenGal91 Member Posts: 17
    I've been wandering around the frakkin forest for an hour and can't find #8! That darn cat!!!
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    I've been wandering around the frakkin forest for an hour and can't find #8! That darn cat!!!

    It might have died from a trap.
  • DravenGal91DravenGal91 Member Posts: 17
    Well %^&*!!! What do I do then?
  • DravenGal91DravenGal91 Member Posts: 17
    Well, had to use the cheat, but got it done anyway.
  • digitalbladedigitalblade Member Posts: 5
    Fraking EE content. Cats, ok WHERE, HOW? Who made this?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited June 2018

    Fraking EE content. Cats, ok WHERE, HOW? Who made this?

    Damn EE!'s_Cat's_Cat
  • ToveriJuriToveriJuri Member Posts: 14
    Raduziel wrote: »

    Not even close to being the same thing. Those quests don't have you darting around blindly while trying to keep cats escaping from your inventory. If you are unlucky you'll have to go back and forth between the maps for more cat food. at least they could have made it an infinite use or give it double or even triple the charges.

    Or you could just spam quick save every 5 seconds to make the quest more tolerable. What great design, who thought this was fun?
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited July 2020
    ToveriJuri wrote: »

    Not even close to being the same thing. Those quests don't have you darting around blindly while trying to keep cats escaping from your inventory. If you are unlucky you'll have to go back and forth between the maps for more cat food. at least they could have made it an infinite use or give it double or even triple the charges.

    Or you could just spam quick save every 5 seconds to make the quest more tolerable. What great design, who thought this was fun?

    The reward is pretty useless too. Since I'm a completionist I always have to finish this quest, but I have to admit I abuse ctrl-J quite often so I don't go insane!
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    The cat quest is the best quest in the ENTIRE game. No, not the game, the Entire series. I play it for the plot. I complete the cat quest and then I create a new character just to redo the quest, then I create a new character just to do the quest another time.

    Rinse and repeat. I just can't get enough! Sometimes I even get given a cat as a reward!!!
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,973
    They are pretty special cats. Did you know they can teleport? If someone other than the protagonist picks up a cat and the cat escapes, it will show up next to the protagonist - no matter how far away they are.
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    Oh I know the cats are special ;)
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