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Additional Demihuman Class & Multi Options

RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
It is high time Demihumans were corrected to adhere to their proper options. The 2.5 update is the time to do this.

Elf Druids
Elf Cleric/Mage

Dwarf Cleric/Thief
Dwarf Ranger

Dwarf Cleric/Thief

Elf Druids
Elf Cleric/Thief
Elf Fighter/Cleric/Thief
Elf Cleric/Ranger

Half-Elf Ranger/Druid
Half-Elf Fighter/Mage/Druid
Half-Elf Druid/Mage

Halfling Druids
Halfling Cleric/Thief

*Ranger/Cleric explicitly allowed to use Ranger weapons

Dwarf Skald
Halfling Jester
Gnome Jester


  • LoldrupLoldrup Member Posts: 291
    Has this been redmined?
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    Loldrup said:

    Has this been redmined?

    No(t yet).

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    i think the reason why the races and the classes are the way they are is for more game balance, this issue has been talked about before
  • MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
    If we go PnP non human races have a lower level cap than humans too.
  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    dunno ... i'd like to see this, but my balancing alarm rings high and bright when thinking about it.

    definitely it would require new corrections in future patches to balance it, and thinking ahead into a time of no-more-patches, it might be left in an unbalanced state.

    also, how many playable and non-playable NPCs would need adjustment to fit into these new options right, and what consquences would it have on challenges, AI, etc. etc.?

    for a new game: hooray, do it!
    for the old BG(:EE) heavy cruiser steering into the future: better not, or leave it to the modders.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @BelegCuthalion I am continually baffled by people's insistence on balance. Mages and bards can do near literally everything, Berserkers just decide to ignore every disable in the game, Dwarves exist, etc.

    I want mah demihumans.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Kobold, goblin, ogre, and gnoll charnames unite!
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
    Loldrup said:
    Thank you!
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403

    dunno ... i'd like to see this, but my balancing alarm rings high and bright when thinking about it.

    definitely it would require new corrections in future patches to balance it, and thinking ahead into a time of no-more-patches, it might be left in an unbalanced state.

    also, how many playable and non-playable NPCs would need adjustment to fit into these new options right, and what consquences would it have on challenges, AI, etc. etc.?

    The game is not balanced currently; nor are any of these proposed options overpowered.
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    I think it would be more efficient to save this sort of thing for Baldur's Gate 3. Any time new race or class things are added it means updating all dialogue where this sort of thing comes up or matters. There's a moment in Baldur's Gate 1 where the I was referred to as a 'kind and good hearted swashbuckler/mage'.
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