monk build and prestige classes *possible spoilers maybe*

I've never played a monk before so I thought I'd try one(pure unarmed). So far I've made it to Luskan with a few hiccoughs along the way(some enemies are easy, some are a pita for a monk). So my question is for the expansions mostly. Would I be better served just going through SoU and HotU as a pure monk? or should i add a few levels of a particular class and/or prestige class. Read a few guides and many don't even go past the OC for a build and I'm trying to plan ahead. On a separate note, are there no gloves of acid for Mephistopheles? (sorry for spoiler) or can the monk do it without. Even on my paladin I had a wicked hard time with him as my weapon(holy avenger) was not acid but electrical and after beating him finally, I went back to my last save, had my talking sword upgraded with acid and the fight was super easy. Thanks in advance, happy gaming.
Post edited by galahad1313 on
Anyway, after all is said and done you have a pretty good AC/AB, good spell resistance, a bunch of immunities, can pick locks and disable traps, use every magical everything, outrun everything, and can hide in plain sight. It's a "jack of all trades" with good survivability.
If you do run into trouble fighting certain things, Tenser's transformation is a good scroll to have (since you can use scrolls with UMD) to turn into a decent "fighter" for a bit.
As for good old mephisto, will the 5 or 6 attacks compensate for the lack of acid weaponry? or do you get acid gloves at some point. Currently using hin-fist +4 atm for the OC but I know mephisto will ignore the sonic damage. Makes me want to pull what little hair out i have left!(I'm getting too old for this shait lol). I'm tempted to go monk 20/thief 4 and the rest Champion of torm if I can get that many levels.
To get Weapon Specialisation (Unarmed Strike) you actually need 4 levels of Fighter.
Save up some skill points as a monk, 4 and then + 1 per level is fine.
Level up to about 10 or so.
Multi-class 1 level into rogue, and dump those skill points into sweet, sweet Use Magic Device. This will give you quite a big selection of magical scrolls to choose from, as well as access to items that would normally be class-restricted against you.
Now you have some more aces up your sleeve when it comes to the harder fights.
In terms of acid damage, no, I don't think there are any acid gloves. In my opinion, getting Improved Ki Strike +5 is advisable for a monk going through HOTU, as that allows you to punch through his DR and makes the battle much, much easier. Requires Wisdom 21 though.
I know I'm a pest but all I've ever played are paladin or paladin-like toons from BG1 to WoW to eso online to nwn to LoTR online.
Races: Halfling/Elf
Starting stats:
Str 10
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 8.
Get Dex over 20 plus. Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Mobility, Cleave, Expertise, etc.
AC at 20 to start. Then about 27 at about 5th, 6th level, then about 57 to 63 AC at 20th Level.
Extremely powerful build except for start of game, defers power until later, seems weaker with seemingly wrong henchman, needs a good henchman at first, weak against hordes, weak against things immune to poison, like certain undead.
21 monk 3 wizard 16 pm (true strike, epic mage armor, undead-ish immunities)
20 monk 19 rogue 1 sd (sneak damage, set trap, hips, epic dodge)
25 monk 1 bard 14 rdd (dev crit, -- true strike if u switch bard for sorcerer)
29 monk 10 Champion of Torm 1 wizard (High DC stun fist)
Otherwise I would have made either a Monk/Bard/Assassin or a Monk/Bard/Shadowdancer
in terms of RP any build may make sense
It was good but I get bored of Martial Classes so I did 4 Monk 16 Druid, spent most of the game as a Bear than at the end a Earth Elemental, also the Druid has a spell called Owl's Insight which doubles current base Wisdom score, in epic Lvls you can become a Dragon Shape ?.