Gnome, Halfling and Dwarf saving throws / Con adjustments

I've been reading about the innate saving throw bonuses for the different races with interest recently, as 15 years ago these things totally passed me by. I've read conflicting accounts of how the bonuses are updated, with some sources saying that they are calculated based on your Con score at character creation and never change, and others that they update according to your Con at level up.
Does anyone know which is true? Also, if the latter, is it calculated from your natural Con score or will they be affected by stat modifiers like equipment or spell effects? I ask speficially as I'm planning a gnome cleric/illusionist, and I'd like to give him the Claw of Kazgaroth, but obviously I won't want my natural saving throws gimped by the Con penalty.
Does anyone know which is true? Also, if the latter, is it calculated from your natural Con score or will they be affected by stat modifiers like equipment or spell effects? I ask speficially as I'm planning a gnome cleric/illusionist, and I'd like to give him the Claw of Kazgaroth, but obviously I won't want my natural saving throws gimped by the Con penalty.
Edit: Claw of Kazgaroth is usable by everyone, btw.
If your constitution changes and it'd bump you up to the next threshold, the saving throws don't kick in til your next level up. In fact, due to an oversight, NPC shorties won't have the proper saving throws til after they gain their first level up.
I'm actually not sure what effect permanently LOSING constitution would do. I've never tested that out.
I am like 99% certain it's based off your base stat. Modifying constitution via gear, potions or spells does not have an effect on it to the best of my knowledge.
As for the question about being able to equip the Claw, I think it just means for single-class versions of those classes. Haven't tested that out yet. But generally speaking anything barred from a class is usable if you're multi-classed with something else that can use it. Weapons are the exception. Again, haven't tested that out and am not in a position to do so at the moment.
Edit: extra points for anyone who knows who Kazgoroth is.
Google solves all. Looks like a.. Dinosaur? minion of Bhaal.
Thus why Skull Trap is a surprisingly awesome spell.
To test the way the Claw affects shorty saves: halfling vs dwarf was the easiest choice because they have death/breath and spells both.
The halfling begins with 18 constitution + 1 Tome (19 con/ +5 to saves) - 2 from Claw of Kazgaroth = 17 Con/+4 to saves in theory
The dwarf begins with 19 constitution + 1 Tome (20 con/+5 to saves) - 2 from Claw of Kazgaroth = 18 Con/+5 to saves in theory
added enough xp for a level up to make sure the values were updated and both the halfling with now 17 constitution and the dwarf with 18 constitution had the exact same saves
=> equipment modified stats don't count even when it's a cursed item. Don't know if this is a bug though or intended behavior since your HP gets lower from losing 2 Con. Shouldn't saves be affected as well? I couldn't find anything about this in either the fixed or the bugs forum...
But this is just one other thing where halfling thieves win over dwarf thieves for example. Both thieves get no extra bonus from Con over 16 except for the saves and lowering your Con further through items doesn't lower your saves; So there is absolutely no point in having a 20 Con dwarf thief as I had thought
Ah well, better to know now than ingame I guess.
I'm not sure about BG1.
There really is no point to being a single-class thief that isn't a halfling or elf.
Increasing save bonus up to 18 (maxed)
Only increased con for fighters/warrior class after 16. Other classes get no other increased hp.