Nordock PW

We have just launched a new Richterms Retreat The Land of Nordock server.
We have done a lot of work with the mod to get the NWNx/SQL working and now have all the great features of the world running including: (ATS) Crafting system (Armour, Weapons, Bowyering, Fletching, Tailoring, Tanning, Tinkering, Jewellery). Player housing system and personal storage chests. Banking system. Quests.
About the World:
There are 3 distinct "player factions" in the land....Drow, Duergar and everyone else. All three factions dislike each other. NPCs of the opposing factions MAY try to kill you. All 3 factions have their own start and respawn areas. You may play a Drow and never see a human (that's unlikely, but possible).
To play as a Drow, create an Elf character and type Drow in the subrace field.
To play as a Duergar, create a Dwarf character and type Duergar in the subrace field.
Other 3rd edition subraces are supported based on the Hard Core Ruleset subrace system.
Once you have created your character, you will appear in the Entrance. This is a special neutral area. You will be stripped of gear and gold and given a somewhat random starting amount. The Newbie store will automatically appear. Don't close it, as you have one chance to shop.
Your character will need 1 food ration and a bedroll to rest. With the bedroll, you can rest every 4 game hours. Without it, you can only rest every 24 hours. You need food every time you can either buy food or get it from hunting (the skinning knife and oil flask needed).
Once you are done shopping, take a moment to read any signs.
Click on the Server Guide statue and he will start talking to you about the land. Feel free to ask him questions and try to soak up some information. Once ready, tell him to send you in!
You will be sent to your start location....Benzor, the Underdark (for Drow) or the Duergar caverns (for Duergar). Once there, the adventure is up to you!
Other Tips:
• There are boats or teleporters in many places. These can be used to safely travel vast distances, for a fee. Some locations are only accessible this way.
• You get your starting area mapped out for you, with some map pins pointing out key locations. Explore a bit, the areas close to towns are quite safe.
• You can hire a cohort from certain NPCs. For instance, Captain Tucker in Benzor. Cohorts are henchmen that use a better AI than the official campaign. They are no charge for a level 1 character. They take no experience from you, so take advantage of their availability.
• If you die, you are sent to the Fugue Plane. Your equipment stays with you. You can wait for help or talk to the Guardian. He will respawn you for a XP penalty. Raise Dead cost less XP and Resurrection the least XP of all.
• If you die, you will end up with a soul fragment in your inventory. This can be removed by paying a fee at the proper temple (usually the same place you respawn). When this item is in your possession, you will gain much less experience.
• You can use the banks in the various cities to store your gold. This gold is never taken as a respawn penalty.
Nordock uses the most excellent Ambrosia Tradeskill System (ATS). While not a mandatory thing for characters to do, tradeskills allow players to craft armor, weapons and other items. The main quest will require certain special crafted items, so someone is going to need to spend some time at the anvil.
Trade skills are "learned by doing". First, visit a trade skill master and pay for basic training. He or she will provide you with basic instruction and recipe books. From this point, you must seek out the raw materials for your trade and build your skills by using the tools and recipes to practice.
Nordock uses the Hard Core Rogue rules. This means a few things:
• Most traps have a regular detect DC, but have a disarm DC of over 100. This is to force Rogues to use the Thieves Tools. A roll is always made, rather than the automatic "Take 20" that rogues would normally get.
• Most locks as well have a high disarm, requiring the use of the Thieves Tools.
• Master quality thieves tools give a higher chance to disarm/lock pick.
There are many quests in the land. However, the Journal is not used. Make sure you read your player chat dialogues and take a screen shot if you feel necessary.
That should be enough to get you started. Included with the Public Release of Nordock is now a map of the land. It's not very detailed, but give the traveler some idea of where things are.

General Server info
-Hardcore Rule set 2.0 enabled (some modifications)
-Item Level Restriction is enabled.
-Base XP has been increase from the default (check Updates in discord for more)
Player Guidelines.
1. This is a PvP enabled server. Role play is optional on this server, however to attack or steal from other players you must be of evil alignment or evil subrace (evil subraces are Drow (Elf) and Drugar (Dwarf) entering these will start you in a different location to the surface races, you will be hostile to a lot of the surface towns and NPCS). Good and neutral aligned players can still PvP to defend themselves or to kill 'known' evil players. If you act outside of your chosen alignment a DM may shift it accordingly, killing certain NPC's can also shift alignment. Attacking other players is allowed at any time if the map is enabled for PvP. Do not attempt to bypass the PvP settings.
2. Do not attack anyone that is effortless rating to you, exceptions for this are when the lower challenge rating player has started the interaction or when in group PVP that involves a mix of players.
3. Do not grief other players. This means no resurrecting a player from their corpse to kill them again.
4. Do not res other players without their consent first. Particularly when not using a Balm of True res or the temple.
5. Do not log off immediately after pick pocketing. You must give the other player a reasonable amount of time to chase you.
6. If you spawn it, kill it (if you can). Do not run past enemies you spawn. Aside from causing server lag by spawning enemies and leaving them there, encounters that spawn in most areas scale based on players levels. You may make an area inaccessible to other lower level players.
Join the Discord-
Here we have channels setup for Buying and selling items, suggestions and bug reporting and general updates.
We are happy to hear suggestions and feedback to improve the players experience!
We have done a lot of work with the mod to get the NWNx/SQL working and now have all the great features of the world running including: (ATS) Crafting system (Armour, Weapons, Bowyering, Fletching, Tailoring, Tanning, Tinkering, Jewellery). Player housing system and personal storage chests. Banking system. Quests.
About the World:
There are 3 distinct "player factions" in the land....Drow, Duergar and everyone else. All three factions dislike each other. NPCs of the opposing factions MAY try to kill you. All 3 factions have their own start and respawn areas. You may play a Drow and never see a human (that's unlikely, but possible).
To play as a Drow, create an Elf character and type Drow in the subrace field.
To play as a Duergar, create a Dwarf character and type Duergar in the subrace field.
Other 3rd edition subraces are supported based on the Hard Core Ruleset subrace system.
Once you have created your character, you will appear in the Entrance. This is a special neutral area. You will be stripped of gear and gold and given a somewhat random starting amount. The Newbie store will automatically appear. Don't close it, as you have one chance to shop.
Your character will need 1 food ration and a bedroll to rest. With the bedroll, you can rest every 4 game hours. Without it, you can only rest every 24 hours. You need food every time you can either buy food or get it from hunting (the skinning knife and oil flask needed).
Once you are done shopping, take a moment to read any signs.
Click on the Server Guide statue and he will start talking to you about the land. Feel free to ask him questions and try to soak up some information. Once ready, tell him to send you in!
You will be sent to your start location....Benzor, the Underdark (for Drow) or the Duergar caverns (for Duergar). Once there, the adventure is up to you!
Other Tips:
• There are boats or teleporters in many places. These can be used to safely travel vast distances, for a fee. Some locations are only accessible this way.
• You get your starting area mapped out for you, with some map pins pointing out key locations. Explore a bit, the areas close to towns are quite safe.
• You can hire a cohort from certain NPCs. For instance, Captain Tucker in Benzor. Cohorts are henchmen that use a better AI than the official campaign. They are no charge for a level 1 character. They take no experience from you, so take advantage of their availability.
• If you die, you are sent to the Fugue Plane. Your equipment stays with you. You can wait for help or talk to the Guardian. He will respawn you for a XP penalty. Raise Dead cost less XP and Resurrection the least XP of all.
• If you die, you will end up with a soul fragment in your inventory. This can be removed by paying a fee at the proper temple (usually the same place you respawn). When this item is in your possession, you will gain much less experience.
• You can use the banks in the various cities to store your gold. This gold is never taken as a respawn penalty.
Nordock uses the most excellent Ambrosia Tradeskill System (ATS). While not a mandatory thing for characters to do, tradeskills allow players to craft armor, weapons and other items. The main quest will require certain special crafted items, so someone is going to need to spend some time at the anvil.
Trade skills are "learned by doing". First, visit a trade skill master and pay for basic training. He or she will provide you with basic instruction and recipe books. From this point, you must seek out the raw materials for your trade and build your skills by using the tools and recipes to practice.
Nordock uses the Hard Core Rogue rules. This means a few things:
• Most traps have a regular detect DC, but have a disarm DC of over 100. This is to force Rogues to use the Thieves Tools. A roll is always made, rather than the automatic "Take 20" that rogues would normally get.
• Most locks as well have a high disarm, requiring the use of the Thieves Tools.
• Master quality thieves tools give a higher chance to disarm/lock pick.
There are many quests in the land. However, the Journal is not used. Make sure you read your player chat dialogues and take a screen shot if you feel necessary.
That should be enough to get you started. Included with the Public Release of Nordock is now a map of the land. It's not very detailed, but give the traveler some idea of where things are.

General Server info
-Hardcore Rule set 2.0 enabled (some modifications)
-Item Level Restriction is enabled.
-Base XP has been increase from the default (check Updates in discord for more)
Player Guidelines.
1. This is a PvP enabled server. Role play is optional on this server, however to attack or steal from other players you must be of evil alignment or evil subrace (evil subraces are Drow (Elf) and Drugar (Dwarf) entering these will start you in a different location to the surface races, you will be hostile to a lot of the surface towns and NPCS). Good and neutral aligned players can still PvP to defend themselves or to kill 'known' evil players. If you act outside of your chosen alignment a DM may shift it accordingly, killing certain NPC's can also shift alignment. Attacking other players is allowed at any time if the map is enabled for PvP. Do not attempt to bypass the PvP settings.
2. Do not attack anyone that is effortless rating to you, exceptions for this are when the lower challenge rating player has started the interaction or when in group PVP that involves a mix of players.
3. Do not grief other players. This means no resurrecting a player from their corpse to kill them again.
4. Do not res other players without their consent first. Particularly when not using a Balm of True res or the temple.
5. Do not log off immediately after pick pocketing. You must give the other player a reasonable amount of time to chase you.
6. If you spawn it, kill it (if you can). Do not run past enemies you spawn. Aside from causing server lag by spawning enemies and leaving them there, encounters that spawn in most areas scale based on players levels. You may make an area inaccessible to other lower level players.
Join the Discord-
Here we have channels setup for Buying and selling items, suggestions and bug reporting and general updates.
We are happy to hear suggestions and feedback to improve the players experience!
Post edited by Prod on
But AWESOME that you're hosting Nordock...she's a fine old girl.
For anyone looking for the REAL Richterm's Retreat - Land of Nordock:
On the June 18th, 2022 (the 20th Anniversary of NeverWinter Nights) we officially launched our new NWN: Enhanced Edition Epic Server.
You'll find us in the server listing in game as "Richterm's Retreat - Epic Nordock".
You'll find our official forums at
If you register for the forums, you'll find a post with a link to our Discord. We look forward to seeing you in game!
Kind regards,
ServerHost - Richterm's Retreat Nordock
on behalf of the Richterm's Retreat Nordock DM team.
PS - Our NWN Diamond Servers are still up and running and aren't going anywhere!
Server addresses are as follows:
• Epic:
• Epic strip:
• Classic:
• Difficult:
• Difficult Strip:
• Epic Enhanced Edition: