Neco is bored. Choose your own adventure, Baldur's Gate style!

Welcome to a Baldur's Gate style choose your own adventure game done in the wonderful style of MSPaint stick figures! After installing any number of mods of various natures that may or may not be beneficial and near crash the game just on start up we finally have our hero! Behold!

How does this work? Well, you, the forumites, play the part of a voice in our intrepid hero's head! Tell him what to do! Give him directions! Guide this young bhaalspawn on his journey!

How does this work? Well, you, the forumites, play the part of a voice in our intrepid hero's head! Tell him what to do! Give him directions! Guide this young bhaalspawn on his journey!

Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
You should avoid getting killed by Shank/Carbos, you can pick more money at the south of the map, I am not a powergamer and I hate metagaming :P
Please hire Neco for next enhanced game.
But whatever you do... don't. kiss. Imoen. Damn you George Lucas!
For a bovine tune, that does have a nice ring to it.
You must look in the haystack for evidence... surely if anyone 'forgot' something there they are guilty of poisoning poor Nessie.
Yes, I realize I'm fired.
I move that CHARNAME does whatever she wants.
*she says, as she chews on a cookie* *munch*