At the line "Away with thee, crotch bleeders! You shall have none of this baby making today!" my laugh (and it was a laugh) turned into something akin to the pitiful sounds of a hideously wounded canine in its death throes.
At the line "Away with thee, crotch bleeders! You shall have none of this baby making today!" my laugh (and it was a laugh) turned into something akin to the pitiful sounds of a hideously wounded canine in its death throes.
I just wanted you to know that.
I am unsure if this is good or bad but either way I feel a bit proud of this.
Use the wand of paralyzation against the ettercap and try not to miss and hit Jaheira, because if that happens she may get eaten by the ettercap. In any case, remember to pick some webs from the beastly monster, they may be useful as a trap against nocturnal attacks of crotchbleeders.
If you leash it, the ettercap may be a good pet for Xzar, they are both ugly purple things and nobody loves them.
Edit. Oh, I see, awakened by ettercapS, in plural. You can do many things then!
While Neco is bored, everyone else on the forum is dying from laughter. It's amazing that you've decided to continue from where you stopped in November, 2014
Use the All Of Your Sad item in your inventory to plead with the eatercap that your life has been tremendously hard since your father died, and that something as simple and small as a cookie has made it better, and you can't bear to part with it.
Everyone knows blue eatercaps can't resist a sad story.
If all else fails, tame it with the cookie. Remember, Imoen had a plate full of them. What's one cookie when you could have a cookie eatercap as a loyal minion?!
Use the All Of Your Sad item in your inventory to plead with the eatercap that your life has been tremendously hard since your father died, and that something as simple and small as a cookie has made it better, and you can't bear to part with it.
Everyone knows blue eatercaps can't resist a sad story.
Great idea! Appeal to his heart by telling him that C is for Cookie but its also for Caring, Charm and Courtesy and that's good enough for me
...but in case he doesn't buy it, remember that it is also for Clubbing, Cutting and Chopping
Along with this update I have a question. I've been trying to come up with lore and ideas for a mercenary based game where you run a merc company and your mercs act in an on their own, taking orders depending on certain traits and loyalty. I've been thinking of sharing my ideas about it and the lore behind the world I made for some time. Would anyone be interested in hearing my ideas and possibly helping me brain storm a few more?
I've been trying to come up with lore and ideas for a mercenary based game where you run a merc company and your mercs act in an on their own, taking orders depending on certain traits and loyalty. I've been thinking of sharing my ideas about it and the lore behind the world I made for some time. Would anyone be interested in hearing my ideas and possibly helping me brain storm a few more?
I've been trying to come up with lore and ideas for a mercenary based game where you run a merc company and your mercs act in an on their own, taking orders depending on certain traits and loyalty. I've been thinking of sharing my ideas about it and the lore behind the world I made for some time. Would anyone be interested in hearing my ideas and possibly helping me brain storm a few more?
Don't worry. Its not his foot.*
Also I attempt to use as many choices as I can all at once then work out how they can fit together in a way I find amusing and works within my ideals of the narrative.
*Its his big toe. He stubbed it earlier and now its all swollen.
You should ask: -What that big sword for? Can i touch it? -Is it true that now you can find one of the best weapon lying in one of the inns protected with only one pathetic lock? -In which random commoner house can i get some hero job? -How far is the basilisk farm from here? -Did come any bounty hunter looking guy in the village recently? -When do Beregost keep it's festival? -Where can i get some meal? (Ok, who am i kidding, where are the cookies?) -What's the meaning of life? -What about now?
I just wanted you to know that.
^That is an Ettercap, btw
If you leash it, the ettercap may be a good pet for Xzar, they are both ugly purple things and nobody loves them.
Edit. Oh, I see, awakened by ettercapS, in plural. You can do many things then!
Only one thing left to do. Battle to the death!
Everyone knows blue eatercaps can't resist a sad story.
Never surrender the cookie!
...but in case he doesn't buy it, remember that it is also for Clubbing, Cutting and Chopping
Along with this update I have a question. I've been trying to come up with lore and ideas for a mercenary based game where you run a merc company and your mercs act in an on their own, taking orders depending on certain traits and loyalty. I've been thinking of sharing my ideas about it and the lore behind the world I made for some time. Would anyone be interested in hearing my ideas and possibly helping me brain storm a few more?
Also I attempt to use as many choices as I can all at once then work out how they can fit together in a way I find amusing and works within my ideals of the narrative.
*Its his big toe. He stubbed it earlier and now its all swollen.
But first,
-What that big sword for? Can i touch it?
-Is it true that now you can find one of the best weapon lying in one of the inns protected with only one pathetic lock?
-In which random commoner house can i get some hero job?
-How far is the basilisk farm from here?
-Did come any bounty hunter looking guy in the village recently?
-When do Beregost keep it's festival?
-Where can i get some meal? (Ok, who am i kidding, where are the cookies?)
-What's the meaning of life?
-What about now?