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Create a Character, Have Fun (Not being posted in Roleplay because that gets very little traffic)



  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    @DreanKhan, please for the love of every god tell me Gaz'Edo possesses what I think he possesses. :D
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Jarrakul said:

    @DreanKhan, please for the love of every god tell me Gaz'Edo possesses what I think he possesses. :D

    Gaz'Ebo possesses many things, both animate and not. A favourite tactic of his is to possess a point of congregation in a public space. He uses this to get a feel for he local inhabitants, who is most receptive to his advances. During his imprisonment, he gained both a great appreciation for manicured plant life, and the value of knowledge gained from being in an otherwise innocuous building. Ideally, to hear the best secrets, the building should be open as possible, allowing those within plenty of warning should anyone approach, and in a public area, so as to not attract undue attention to a clandestine meeting.

    Any of this helping @Jarrakul ?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    @DreadKhan Do you think it would be possible for Gaz'Ebo to possess a developer by any chance? Lets use @Cuv as an example. Would Gaz'Ebo be able to possess Cuv?
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Tresset said:

    @DreadKhan Do you think it would be possible for Gaz'Ebo to possess a developer by any chance? Lets use @Cuv as an example. Would Gaz'Ebo be able to possess Cuv?

    Almost certainly! If the initial attempts to possess him failed, Gaz'Ebo typically will possess an important possession, and use that as a stepping stone. Only the most stalwart of mortal hearts could fend off Gaz'Ebo the Abhorrent!
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    1. Brian O'Brian
    2. CG
    3. Human
    4. Berzerker
    5. The latest incarnation of the legendary hero, Brianheart shall deliver a heavy boot to the gonads of evil! YOU HEAR THAT, EVIL! YOU HAD BETTER WATCH YOUR NUTS!
    6. Ronan: I can't believe we allowed this idiot to join our group...
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    edited February 2015
    Time for my canon Charname!

    Name: Tresset
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Race: Half-Elf (male)
    Class: Berserker/Shadowdancer (multi-class)
    Self Quote: "I have the blood of a god in my veins. Countless beings have tried to manipulate me and use me to accomplish their own desires. Countless more have tried to kill me. Yet I have triumphed over all of them! I have turned down the path to divinity of my own free will! I have earned my place with my prowess and the blood of my enemies and shall continue to do so for as long as I live!"
    Quote from C: "One of the best friends I have ever had. He thrives on the adventure, excitement, and chaos that seems to follow him wherever he goes. The two of us are truly kindred spirits."

    I will have to do C next since I used him in this one, but that will be tricky. C comes from outside the Forgotten Realms setting that I use.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited February 2015
    1. Galahad

    Aligment: Chaotic Neutral
    Race: Human
    Class: Fighter

    Self Quote: I will need more swords, and arrows , maybe a catapult ... and where is Morgan, the Enchantress? Since the last time I died, she is the only one I trust.

    Quote from other: Galahad is cursed. He claims to be the reincarnation of Duke Dragonheart, a wicked noble who made a fortune pillaging enemy lands. I am Morgan, a wizardress, the only one who could balance his accursed state. He serves me , and in exchange I try to keep the Duke from dominating his spirit.

    (I'll eventually post my own illustration of the character)
  • NatenNaten Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2015
    1. Vidarr ( At least that is what is written on a piece of paper he hands you)


    Str: 19
    Dex: 16
    Con: 19
    Int: 15
    Wis: 10
    Cha: 12

    2. True Neutral
    3. Half Dwarf/ Half Duergar
    4. Shadow Dancer
    5. ... ( Vidarr just stares at you, he looks slightly annoyed. He then hands you another piece of paper that says " Help me kill mind eaters, then I answer any stupid questions.")
    6. Don't take it personally, he doesn't talk to anyone. They say he has lived alone for many years in the Underdark ever since he was a child. His parents were hunted down by both the Dwarves and the Duergar for their forbidden affair. Hard to say who found them or how the child escaped and even managed to survive on his own. He won't say that's for sure.
    Post edited by Naten on
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    edited February 2015
    His cha should be much lower. He's a mute who isn't that polite, has no social background as he grew up alone, and by any society has the 'wrong' blood.

    I'd also reduce his strength to the high 18s to make him legal.
  • NatenNaten Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2015
    Grum said:

    His cha should be much lower. He's a mute who isn't that polite, has no social background as he grew up alone, and by any society has the 'wrong' blood.

    I'd also reduce his strength to the high 18s to make him legal.

    Shadow Dancers need a minimum of 12 Charisma. Charisma is measured by someones persuasiveness, personal magnetism and ability to lead. Because of his unique appearance he gets peoples attention, although he is still a Dwarf. Also he grew up in the Underdark alone.. One of the most dangerous places ever. So 19 strength reflects this accomplishment. He is of the thief class so the only other option was a flat 18 which just didn't seem to reflect this achievement in a role play manner in my opinion.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    I think a strong argument could be made that an uncommunicative, surly jerks are not very good leaders, but ymmv.

    Name: Danberl the Revolting
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Race: Human
    Class: Cancer Mage (Barbarian Rogue for PreReqs)
    Str 15 Dex 16 Con 18 Int 13 Wis 16 Cha 16

    Personal Quote/Villainous Soliloquy: Shove me aside to dwell in filthy rags, to scrounge the dirt, but I found things... things beneath the old sewers... You will learn fear, oh wretches, when the Great Plague returns! *cackle*

    Quote from the Captain of the Guard: From our records, we know Danberl committed multiple homicides, and abducted many innocents, all while a child. His motivations are a mystery: no ransoms, no known thefts despite many opportunities, and not even any crazed demands. Don't let his rags fool you, he cultivates a pitiful appearance to avoid notice, but is extremely capable. He is to be killed on sight, if possible, but his trickery has killed more guards than I care to admit. The Guard is as helpless as children against this beast, if only we knew where his lair is, perhaps we could burn him out, or bury the wretch alive!

    Danberl is a stock villain, one that prefers guerilla style tactics that allow the festering wounds he inflicts to decimate enemies, and he obviously seeks to use a plague to wipe out the city that 'wronged' him. He wears rag armour, and only uses weapons he has constructed. Not a true magic user, he dealt with horrible entities to enchant his scrounged, mskeshift weapons, trading many sacrifices for his power. His rags offer significant protection, and he has a massive tumor in his abdomen that offers him companionship (it is intelligent) and is his only true ally. He secretly infects city dwellers with mild diseases, using them to spy.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    edited August 2017
    Thought of this thread, felt like giving it another chance. ;)

    Name: Hoar's Satirist
    Race: Cambion, appears fairly human
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Class: Jester

    Background: A solitary cambion obsessed with vengeance, his favourite tool is his cleverness. His cutting remarks incite chaos and violence, and despite his rigidly lawful habits, he is an outlaw. He especially dislikes nobility that are exploitive.

    Quote: You, a Princess? You dress like a buffoon and whine more than a drunk, I thought Princesses were classy! *dodges flying mug*

    Quote From Another: If he wasn't so capable he'd have died long ago... Heck, I hear he started a revolution or two in neighbouring kingdoms!
    Post edited by DreadKhan on
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    edited August 2017
    1. Gorif
    2. Chaotic Good
    3. Halfling
    4. Cleric/Thief
    5. "Yeah, it's not exactly lawful, but I'm not exactly interested in justice, either. I'd rather just know truth."
    6. "Most of the clergy from that new cult hates him, yeah. Something about how they're really worshiping an alien or something?"
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    edited August 2017
    By Torm it's been ages since someone posted in this thread. Did you scour my posts to find it? It would have served you better to post in this threads sequel (which got significantly less traffic and I eventually gave up on)

    But that sequel is pointless now since this thread is reborn, so thank you Khan!

    IT'S ALLLLLLIVVEEEE! (foams at the mouth)
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Name: Paul McOrdinaryGuy
    Alignment: Cannot be detected.
    Race: Definately Human
    Class: Commoner

    Quote: Why of course my name is a traditional and inconspicuous human male name, and I am obviously a simple, humble merchant. I even sell mundane goods! Nothing suspicious, mammal!

    Quote From Another: I can't put my finger on it, but I think there might be something odd about Mr. McOrdinaryGuy... but don't tell him I said that!

    Background: Mr. McOrdinaryGuy is actually a doppelganger casing a small town. He is quite inexperienced however, so he's not very believable.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    edited August 2017
    Mitzi Mitosis
    Lawful Evil
    "Dorn, could you stop lollygagging? There's rodents to kill!"
    Xzar: Tell me about the rabbits, Mitzi!

    (Sorry, my names tend to be terrible puns.)
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Name: Estella the Magnificent
    Race: Half-elf
    Gender: Female
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Class: Dragon Disciple

    Quote: I'm bigger, stronger, smarter and better looking than you; get out of my way or I'll fry your sorry ass!

    Quote 2: Is it just me or is she a wee bit arrogant?

    Estella is a towering, massively muscled sorceress with the blood of a dragon.
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    Name: Keim "Iron" Yt-nos
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Class: Monk
    Strenght/Dexterity/Condition/Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma: 18/93, 17, 16, 9, 11, 8

    Quote: Everyone has plan until they get punched in the mouth.

    Evan Der "Holy" Deilf: that bastard bit my ear off!

    I know he's illegal, but it's just for flavour. He doesn't kick. Just punches.
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    edited August 2017
    Yeah, chaotic neutral is perfect for him.

    Maybe another quote when he dies : ''I broke my back ! Spinal !"
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Decided to re-do my earlier post from two years ago.

    Name: Piro Faeren
    Race: Forest Gnome
    Gender: Female
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Class: Bard

    One line that describes their personality that they would say: "Wow! You are ugly; I mean, not to say that is a bad thing or anything, I'm just saying your appearance is grotesque and disturbing! . . . This isn't helping, is it?"

    One line from another person that describes them: "She is both the most clever and most foolish person I've ever met, though I am glad to call her friend." - Her best friend and fellow Bard, Cu Sidhe.

    Canon Portrait:

  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Then you might be interested in my 100th discussion thread, based on solely on creating illegal characters.
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