Create a Character, Have Fun (Not being posted in Roleplay because that gets very little traffic)

A long time ago, I said I would post a discussion asking to create characters and elaborate on them. Now, finally it is here.
I need
1. Name
2. Alignment
3. Species
4. Class
5. One line that describes their personality that they would say
6. One line from another person that describes them
I need
1. Name
2. Alignment
3. Species
4. Class
5. One line that describes their personality that they would say
6. One line from another person that describes them
1. Diamond Mind (Illyach)
2. Neutral Good
3. Ulitharid (asexual)
4. Psion/Archer (I guess...)
5. I hate my own kind and just want to be an adventurer on the surface.
6. Diamond is surprisingly very friendly once you get to know him.
2. Chaotic Neutral
3. Human
4. Some kind of Monk/Bard hybrid without the vows and oaths
5. I can be a really nice guy when I need to be.
6. He's a complete @$$hole.
1. Ozzy Oozebourne
2. Chaotic Evil
3. Half-Ooze
4. The Disciple of Metal
5. "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
6."What is this? It's music to get a brain seizure by."
My Character
Zaram Maldovar
Chaotic Neutral Human Dragon Disciple
Self Quote: "Let's help Hendak, to end the tyranny of slavery, to strike at the heart of evil get stuff and sell it for a profit so we can buy more stuff"
Other Quote: "Zaram is insane and unpredictable, it is best to avoid that guy. One day he could compliment you on your suit, the next day he could kill you for wearing the same suit"
1. Jugo
2. Chaotic Evil
3. Human
4. Jester
5. "I hate half-baked cookies like you!"
6. "Fool is like the punch line to a bad joke."
Name - Oneangrylolienfungu
Alignment - True Neutral
Species - tasty when fried
Class - fungus
One line that describes their personality that they would say - "I'm your Myconid King!"
One line from another person that describes them - "Om nom nom!"
Miyamoto Musashi
Chaotic Neutral
Kara-Turan swordsman. Fought and won over sixty life-or-death duels, his first at age thirteen. Developed the two-sword fighting style into perfection and founded a fencing school. Has never been defeated.
Kensai. ***** in katana ** in wakizashi ** in dagger *** in two-weapon fighting style
One line that describes their personality that they would say
"There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself" from The Book of Five Rings
One line from another person that describes them
"Heaven doesn't laugh. It just smiles and stares [on Musashi]"Takehiko Inoue, Vagabond, Volume 34
Special item
When Musashi lost his katana in a battle, he pulled out his tanto.
Name Sayonara
Other name(s) Tanto +5
Item value 34000 GP
Weight 1 lbs.
Identify 80
Combat type Melee
Proficiency Type Daggers
Handing 1-handed
Range 1 ft.
Damage 1D4 +5 (+1 electrical)
THACO +5 bonus
Damage type Piercing
Speed 0
A tanto is a knife or small sword from Kara-Tur, it's forged in hira-zukuri, meaning that it have no ridge-line, unlike the shinogi-zukuri shape of a katana. It's also the shortest of three similar swords, the wakizashi and the katana.
This tanto is very thin and therefore would cut soft targets extremely well. Specially designed for stabbing, "Sayonara" can be very deadly in the hands of a clever master.
Reference list:
Alignment - Neutral good
Species - Halfling
Class - Cleric of Lathander
STR : 12
DEX : 17
CON : 14
WIS : 16
INT : 11
CHA : 15
One line that describes their personality that they would say - "Is that a gem? Right there, on the ground! Oh sweet Lathander that is one fine gem!"
One line from another person that describes them - "You couldn't find a more devote and kind woman than Lyssa, she is true to her faith and will do anything to help people out. What gem? Oh you mean the gem she ran through the entire towns square and fought off two beggars to get? Well we all have our flaws, don't we?"
2) Chaotic Lawful Neutral Evil
3) ??? (looks like an male Elf or a human female)
4) High Lord of Chaos (???)
5) [insert typical CrevsDaak message here, one regarding modding/programming is preferred]
6) booinyoureyes: Crevs is totally chaotic lawful, imho
6') booinyoureyes: @CrevsDaak you are chaotic lawful. We discussed this already.
6'') Musigny (how is it spelled?): I tell @CrevsDaak to stop scaring the neighbourhood.
2) Lawful Good (Candlekeep), going down to Chaotic Evil (most of ToB).
3) Half-Elf (female).
4) Enforcer (Wizard Slayer/Enchanter/Sharpshooter).
5) Ugh, I will require healing as soon as possible *Crevs rushes to drink a Potion of Healing*
6) CrevsDaak sees an enemy dying from one of Nárwendil's arrows: Good shot!
6') CrevsDaak when picking up scrolls: Crap. I forgot Magic Missile was an Evocation spell.
6'') CrevsDaak upon Nárwendil getting Held by a Ghast: FUUUUUUUUUUUU- *Crevs quits the game*
2. Lawful Good
3. Lich (Elf)
4. Wizard
5. I just like to enjoy life, err, unlife. Hahaha!
6. A very agreeable fellow who always seems happy.
2. Neutral Good
3. Green Dragon (male)
4. Cleric (formerly Tiamat; converted to Bahamut)
5. I am trying to make up for a lifetime of mistakes.
6. A very good and wise dragon, but often gets depressed over his past.
2. Lawful Evil
3. Human (Tethyrian)
3. Dark Moon Monk
4. Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You pour water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water into a tea pot, it becomes the tea pot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water.
5. When I saw him in action I saw who he truly was. His name is Death and The Hells follow with him.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Species: Half-Orc
Gender: Male
Class: Cleric of Kelemvor
One line that describes their personality that they would say: "Sleep, dead thing."
One line from another person that describes them: "My brother cares more than he lets on. He comes across as mean and scary, but he's really just a shepherd, trying to do his best by the flock."
Name: Talaith Green
Alignment: Lawful Good
Species: Halfling
Gender: Female
Class: Paladin
One line that describes their personality that they would say: "People think being a paladin is about having a stick up your ass. They're wrong. Being a paladin is about embodying the way the world should be. If you think that includes being serious all the time, praying a dozen times a day, and never f&cking outside of marriage, I don't think your 'perfect world' is one most people would want to live in."
One line from another person that describes them: "I'm not sure paladins are supposed to do shots."
1. Rooty Allen
2. True Neutral
3. Half-Treant/Half-Forest Gnome
4. Groveborn Sorcerer
5. "As the poet said, 'Only the Gods can make a tree' -- probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on."
6."There are worse things in life than death. If you've ever spent an evening with an woody gnomeling you know what I mean."
2. Neutral Good
3. Amethyst Dragon (female)
4. Bard
5. I am sickly, weak, and hardly worthy of being a dragon.
6. "She is shy, easily frightened, and has low self esteem, but I believe she has an inner strength that is just waiting to be brought out." ~ Diamond Mind
1. Lazy Ben
2. Lawful Good
3. Weremouse (male)
4. Bard
5. "Can i play a last song on my trumpet, before you -gentle vampire bats- consume my humble blood?"
6. "Pedro my boy, i fear that we eat tinned blood again today."
Edit: pathetic/lawful
Pathetic Good is not an alignment, could you please elaborate more on what you mean.
Lawful Neutral
"We may all be a part of a whole, but those who would wag their tongues to spite my Journey must wander the sands of my violence."
"June 12th - Peltenham Terrace Apartments - Three men were found severely beaten on the building's front steps. They reported to officers that they had looked the wrong way at the wrong man, and that they were very sorry."
(Cribbed from Chris Onstad's excellent Achewood web-comic.)
Race: Half-ogre Male
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Strength 19 Dexterity 14 Constitution 18 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 15 Charisma 4
Gath Describes Himself: Gath love hit things and cook. Also eats.
Gath's Fellow Adventurer Describes Gath While He Is Present: Gath is a truly wonderful man, always saving orphans and cooking delicious meals that never cause dysentry, and he's so clean and brave! How the Order of the Radient Heart could turn down this adonis from the clergy, paladinhood and chapterhouse chef is baffling!
Gath's Fellow Adventurer Describes Gath After He Leaves: You know, once you get past his implausible stupidity, ugliness, general hygene, toddler-like selfishness, and staggering arrogance, he's really quite bareable. Not at all a bad cook either, occasional bouts of projectile vomit and watery bowels aside. I'm pretty sure he's got a restraining order with the Radiant Heart, after he 'accidently' kidnapped a Paladin. No, you really don't want details, its too stupid.
Race: Human Male
Class: Evoker
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Strength 9 Dexterity 15 Constitution 12 Intelligence 16 Wisdom 7 Charisma 17
Ted Describes Self: Being a Wild Mage is hard, knowing every spell you heroicly cast to further the cause of Good can horribly misfire. I will never forget those poor, poor orphans...
Ted's Fellow Adventurer: Yeah, I might not be a mage, but I'm pretty sure the whole Wild Mage thing is bull****, and Ted's just an indescriminate pyro. One of these days, he's gonna have a Wild Surge: Backstab To The Kidneys!
Race: Human Male
Class: Squid Wizard
Alignment: DM Headache
DM Quote: "God dammit OneAngryMushroom"
I was playing pathfinder and I found the energy substitution feat
It didn't tell me that I couldn't change all my spells to include squids. Some of the best ones were
Squidball, Chain Squid, Wall of Squid, Squid Hands.
I made my GM cry through the sheer amount of grapple checks.
Sometimes I wonder why he won't let me play characters without approval.
Race: Githyanki (male)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Githyanki Dread Knight (or whatever they are called)
Brief Background: One of the mightiest of the githyanki. During the Time of Troubles he stole a godslayer weapon from his lich-queen and journeyed to the primes hoping to slay a god and become a god himself. His plan was foiled when a group of adventurers, led by Marcus Malayhi, seized the godslayer weapon from him and destroyed it.
Self Quote: "I was denied my chance at godhood! I was denied my revenge for that offense as well! Yet somehow I will manage to obtain power, I swear it!"
Quote form Diamond Mind: "I may have metamorphosized by taking over Marcus Malayhi's body, but I wish this githyanki would stop tormenting me. I am not Marcus and I do not wish the rivalry he does!
Name: Gaz'Ebo the Abhorrent
Race: Glabrezu
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Fiend of Possession, Fiend of Blasphemy (both from 3rd ed Fiend Folio)
Background: Gaz'Ebo is a truly feared demon, known for founding secret cults and using possession to remove threats. His influence is considerable, having cults in many areas, and is extraordinarily hard to pin down. He spent many years imprisoned in some ancient garden architecture, but was released by unwary adventurers.
Self Quote: If you know of me, prepare to pay fealty... to oppose me is to embrace painful death!
Quote From Possessed Cultist: Whats a Gaz'Ebo?