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I see the writers of Dorn are fans of "Breaking Bad." (spoilers)

Dorn started to give me lip. This is how the conversation boiled down. (My character's name is Tormid.)

Dorn- Hrm. You take much time to talk with people we could more easily sweep from our path. you cannot trust their words, only their actions.

Tormid- Are you questioning my decisions?

Dorn- What if I were?

Tormid- If you are questioning me, I will end you.

Dorn- You dare talk to me like that? You put yourself in danger.

Tormid- I'm not in danger, Dorn. I am the danger.

Dorn- Hrm. yes, you are right. You alone could defeat me. That is why I choose to remain with you.


  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    Maaaaaybe... ;)
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    And walking dead.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    @sandmanCCL Ahh, I totally thought that was a quote somehow! Good to know.
    Konabuga said:

    And walking dead.

    ugh, that show
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    edited December 2012
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    @sandmanCCL I mean Walking Dead I don't have anything against Breaking Bad. Walking Dead is terrible though it's just a soap opera with zombies on the side. Now I'd be okay with that, but almost all of the characters are complete morons, and I find myself hoping the entire time that they all die a horrible, painful death except the asian guy who I forget his name.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • BigityBigity Member Posts: 98
    Always liked the Shield more than Breaking Bad - which I can't watch because I just see him as the dad in Malcolm in the Middle.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    I knew what you meant, @Quartz. Was just showing you the clip it's a quote from, because you said you didn't know.

    I actually think The Walking Dead is drivel, too. Zombie apocalyse as a genre is pretty stupid to begin with for me, but it's even worse in TV show format. People don't want to admit it, but the whole zombie apocalypse genre is just gore-porn. It's people living out fantasies of murdering everyone they know, because it's easier to digest or imagine killing a bunch of people if they are undead.
  • BigityBigity Member Posts: 98
    Or maybe they just like something you don't. People do that sometimes.

    I'm looking at you, Twilight crap.
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    Shandyr said:

    Breaking Bad has ruined many many maaaaaaany other TV shows for me.
    Because in my eyes it sets so high new standards that a lot of other TV shows look really bad in comparison to Breaking Bad.

    (Nice catch OP, didn't get that one because I chose different dialog options)

    Idd Breaking Bad is on a whole other level compared to most shows. But guess what, there's an even higher level which Breaking Bad can't touch. And that, my friend, is called The Wire.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    I knew what you meant, @Quartz. Was just showing you the clip it's a quote from, because you said you didn't know.

    Yeah, weird my browser wasn't showing the video at all. So without the video there I took it the wrong way. Okay coolbeans thanks
  • VnavekulVnavekul Member Posts: 181

    Shandyr said:

    Breaking Bad has ruined many many maaaaaaany other TV shows for me.
    Because in my eyes it sets so high new standards that a lot of other TV shows look really bad in comparison to Breaking Bad.

    (Nice catch OP, didn't get that one because I chose different dialog options)

    Idd Breaking Bad is on a whole other level compared to most shows. But guess what, there's an even higher level which Breaking Bad can't touch. And that, my friend, is called The Wire.
    Everything pales in comparison to The Wire. :P
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